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This game was pretty nice starting off. I like the gameplay and the music, but I feel it still needs a bit of work.

It would of been best to have a key control to increase the speed and bullets because it was kind of hard for me to click the button while trying to attack the enemies. Or atleast make the ship movement WASD movements.

It was kind of hard to shoot the enemies because of how the bullets were shooting.

The UI menu positioning was a bit off as well.

This game was pretty nice. With a bit more polishing and reworking, it could be even better.


Thanks for the detailed comment! I've considered WASD movement, but like the polish I just didn't have the time for it. ^^

The idea of removing a key control for increasing speed and fire rate however is intended. I want to give the impression that there's a desperate need for not letting your stats drop too far, but at the same time that creates a danger that forces you to make decisions on the fly. Perhaps I can communicate that better.


i definitely saw that, thats why I liked the approach you took there.