Hey, i was wondering why character mods crash my game, but manily the popofreak mod. Heres the crash report.
action number 1
of Step Event1
for object MiscCont:
array_get :: Index [17,14] out of range [18,14]
called from - gml_Script_dp_state_hx17 (line 2)
called from - gml_Script_dp_player_hx19 (line 29)
called from - gml_Script_dp_flow_hx22 (line 10)
called from - gml_Script_dp_flow_hx27 (line 17)
called from - gml_Script_dp_flow_hx28 (line 1)
called from - gml_Script_dp_event_update (line 5)
called from - gml_Object_MiscCont_Step_1 (line 41)