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Hey, first off the guy who posted my game in the current agdg thread wasn't me lol, but still thanks for the comment, I'll check your game out tonight. If you're willing to give it another shot, check out the game page for a description of game mechanics/controls, and you can check keyboard controls by pressing tab at any point during battle. Sounds like you were in the prebattle phase, and when you clicked on the enemy(use j to select and k to deselect) you were looking at info on their moves. To start the battle, you need to deselect any selections, then press and hold N until the bar fills. The battles are real time and very fast. The only info I still need to add to the game page is the line of scrimmage: You'll see how the enemies' side has different colored tiles. If an enemy is on the border of their tiles and yours, they can transform your column of tiles into moveable tiles for themselves(it happens automatically after a set time), decreasing the amount of space you have to move. You can do the same to push back enemy tiles. It only works though if the adjacent oppositions tiles are unoccupied. Hope this helps, let me know if there's anything that's not making sense.

Not entirely surprised, the joys of an anonymous board.  I hadn't looked at your game page, but I can see you laid out a lot of instructions there. I'll try it again tonight with all of these controls in mind and give it another shot!

So I tried again, with instructions in mind. I was able to actually get into combat this time, but man I guess I just suck at this game. It wasn't immediately obvious when I should be in move or shoot mode, the player character changed colors which I assumed was some kind of indicator but I couldn't figure it out.  When I did change modes, it didn't seem very responsive and I felt like I wasted time. As a result, I probably stayed in shoot mode too long causing me to die.  I think this could be fun with some additional polish and more fleshed out visual clues.

Hey, I think it seemed unresponsive because of the reload animation. When she flashes blue, she's reloading. The ammo counter is in the bottom right corner. Probably should give her more than 8  bullets per clip, forgot to change that last night.  I also forgot to write instructions for manual reloading which can be done by pressing R. Also, she's yellow in shooting mode, and flashes red while shooting. Hopefully giving more ammo will fix the feeling of being unresponsive.  As far as general switching between shooting and moving, I'll see what I can do to make it more readable before adding in the real character and animations. Thanks for playing man!