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(1 edit)

really feels fast, i like it

some problems i had (im on windows btw):

- when i pressed the dock button on the spolen trainyard the ship just started aautopiloting and hitting some wall until it finally got the right path

- at the first mission i picked it asked me to go to some place called ementel farm, i had no idea where it was it didnt show up on the map and there were no markers, even thought it was bugged for a sec. after it happened again with the second mission i just started fidling with the map controls, took me a while but i found the destination. had some problems trying to set a waypoint diretly to it until i realized you had to set the waypoint from the galaxy map. after all that trouble i finally managed to start moving to my destination

-however after i finally went thru the warp thingy that took me to the next system all of the UI disappeared and i couldnt do shit other than toggling auto-pilot/free flight pic related: UI gone

- the menus take a lil while to load, and while they are loading just a black screen appears, the "loading" message only appears right before its done loading

-when you select another menu while having one open they close, go back to the main game screen and then go to the next menu and that feels very clunky

- the mouse over sound u got on ur buttons has a sharp whistling sound almost like metal scratching thats a bit unpleasant to hear, the clicking sound is not as unpleasant but it also feels a bit weak

- could use a button in the UI to open the pause menu, took me very long to find out how to open it

Before you docked with the jumpgate (the warp thingy), were you doing anything in particular, or had you just docked with it normally?

all i did weird was try to enter it without docking first (didnt work i got hit by another ship) and then i just tried docking normally, while it was docking nothing seemed particularly weird

Do you have your save file at all? It'd be located in AppData/LocalLow/Pastaspace Interactive/Saves

probably, ill see if i can sned to you when i get home

Lastly, had you done any of the main quest missions at all?

nope, all i did was l go to the spolen trainyard, take one mission (failed it by dying), take another mission (canceled it), and take that last mission where i bugged out