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As another dev with an ambiguous blob character, I really like your character design. Hoodie and nose are a nice touch.

Gameplay seemed to work climbing and jumping gaps, and pressing F to let go worked for me. I collected the little game piece behind the walls, and then spammed buttons until it disappeared from my inventory. I couldn't interact with the numberpad thing, and on my second visit to it I got stuck on the black square thing. Pic related. Could still move the camera but nothing else worked.

Thanks for playing.

The icon for the amount of chess pieces isn't representative of an icon, it's just something that pops up when you collect one to show you how many you have, then disappears 5s later.

The buttons on the wall were meant to be used in conjunction with the sphere ability you collect at the tower.
And yeah, I forgot to change that black switch collision box from a mesh collider to a box collider, so a lot of people got stuck on it due to how collision checks are performed in the autonomous movement system.

Thank you for the feedback