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(1 edit)

Hi Leaf, one of my testers in Oregon has been having issues as well. He sent me this note and the link:

Yeah, definitely a problem with their CDN, went to download it today and it complained about this host being unavailable.

Hope this helps.


Requesting that URL directly is always going to be 403 error. Do you know what error they got about it not being available? Is it possible to do a traceroute on the domain?


I sent him an email and hopefully he can post some good info here for you.

Hi Leafo,

  I did shorten the URL I was given so I could specify the host.  However, as I am testing presently I am now able to download again quickly, whereas for the past week it's been nigh impossible to download the software.  Unfortunately, I didn't save the full url and I can't replicate the error now.  This usually indicates you are a wizard.  

Hi Leaf,

I had a user get this today.  Don't know if this is related to anything or if this is in your realm at all. Good old Norton:
