13h of gameplay and... I'm stuck in a the cave (the one bordering the sea where we get throw off by a suicid bomber).
Is there a trick to it or is it a bug I can't tell, but I'm on a apex of frustration, this was so fun, i will have to redo it at some point. But 13h, gaaahT_T
EDIT : Restart the whole game instead of reloading the saved ones repaired it.
Big "YAY" to this super bigass work. Althought I'm a bit frustrated by the "mecanic part". It was great first but now I want to try other variants, and I'm nooot super looking after all the fights. Guess I'll set super easy. Mhm :x
Yet. Thanks. Thanks thanks thanks. (also the RTS part ? Fun in theory. In practicallity everything was easely done with 3 archers only >_<
I can't believe there was no polyamourous goodending ! But I guess I got it "in the face" and now I need my good ending :o
I'm very surprised. Didn't anybody bother to write a wallkthrought ?
I'll make it if there is none !