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Overall a nice game with a fun and engaging music. The gameplay is fine enough, but this game has a higher potential if it can be polished more. Like the UI or the AI stuff. For example the map can be made a bit bigger and add some shield type thing like a building or a wall. The enemies would then have to move around the walls to shoot the player, etc. instead of shooting straight at the player. Also maybe add a bit of intentional-inaccuracy to the bullets cz the bullets are too accurate XD. This can keep the player more engaged and maybe allow them to evolve some strategies too. 

Apart from the Polishing, the game is pretty good, and the use of the limitation is also nice :)

thank you for the good recommendations! And yeah I planned to add inaccuracy on the ennemy shooting but didn’t have time to do it unfortunately.

(1 edit)

No problem, it was a nice game overall :)