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A member registered Apr 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Super neat concept, the electric orb getting faster and faster surely made me sweat!

I've had a lot of fun but think it could use some sort of tutorial if you plan on making a bigger version of the game

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Very fun and extremely chaotic !

The game is quite hard but that's okay, the main issue I had was in the browser build when I was trying to make the pieces fall down using the down arrow, my browser window would go down as well lol.

Really fun game and great music, good job !

Very fun game! I love the visuals and the ball's controls, the upgrade bullets being usable on ennemies is also pretty neat. If I could recommend something, it would probably be some checkpoints here and there because I find dying later on very punishing.

interesting concept, the robot's movement also helps with the chaotic aspect of the game even though it made the game quite hard for me.

Super fun and reactive gameplay, I could totally see boss battles with colors changing and whatnot

Original concept that works well with the limitation and the theme, simple gameplay that goes straight to the point, great job

Fun little game, maybe consider making the player lose if he puts a piece outside of the shape that needs to be filled, so he has to be careful about what to put where

Great concept with a great use of the theme and limitation

Very addicting, Simple yet effective, and a great use of the limitation.

Great job !

Very fun game ! 

The ambient sounds make these situations look super real + quite stressful actually

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Very fun and super original concept! good job! The only downside is the limitation which is not really used in my opinion, maybe you could've made the kaiju lose money instead of just a simple gameover -> respawn

Okay I loved that one, insane job. I have to say though that the sniper might me a bit too powerful, I was able to get a 3:04 thanks to it (suicide twice to get the sniper and camp the top platform with it).

My only minor complaint would be that WASD are the only controls available and I don't have a qwerty keyboard, so maybe allowing the player to remap the controls or something like that would be a good idea, nice!

Pretty fun game! I think reducing the volume on the building crashing sfx would be a good idea, and maybe consider adding a tracker of how many buildings are left to be destroyed.

Good job :)

thank you for the good recommendations! And yeah I planned to add inaccuracy on the ennemy shooting but didn’t have time to do it unfortunately.

Glad I could help :D

concept with some potential, maybe consider adding visual feedback or sound effects whenever you attack with your kaiju. Also the game crashed when I won my battle I don't know why :/

Very good implementation of the limitation I really like it, and the right click feels really nice to use, I found myself trying to zoom through the level as fast as possible using it :D

Very nice concept, Loved it!

Fun little game, be careful though as the jellyfish you can just go up and never die. Also maybe try working on the sprites, good job!

The game is pretty fun, good job :D

but it crashes after a little while for no reason, I really don't know why :'(

I agree that as is the game gets stale very fast, I unfortunately couldn't implement everything I wanted to due to a lack of time so this is something I have to work on!

Thank you for reviewing!

Thanks for the feedback, yeah I've definitely been struggling with the UI and was quite disappointed of how it turned out but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway!

don't worry too much but just so you have an idea, here's what is looks like for me, maybe the UI elements not adjusting to the screen size?  I'm not too sure

No problem! I played the browser version.

This has a lot potential in my opinion, the concept is very fun but I'll have to say it took me some time to figure out where to aim, try to make the net stand out a little bit more because I genuinely didn't see it at first because of the backround color !

Fun game :)

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Okay that was actually very fun! Good job on your first game, the concept has potential but be careful as the Text box seems to go out of the screen preventing me to read most of what npcs say :'(

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I really like the art and the idea, it took me some time to understand what I was exactly supposed to do but very nice!

fun concept, be careful though as when you turn into a ghost you fall through the floor forever


wow now that's an original concept.

very good platformer game with a great use of the limitation, if I could give some criticism it would be to either allow the player to remap the controls or make the arrow keys usable on top of the WASD controls for those who don't have a qwerty keyboard.

Otherwise very good job !

I love the concept, very good use of the limitation and very good controls felt like I was playing 2d monkey ball !

Still jamming to the music by the way

City Saved as I was about to jump off thinking it would go on forever :o

This is veeeery good for a 3 hour game on top of making another. Good Job!

I didn't excpect myself to sit down and play through all 10 levels but the concept was really nice.

I do think however that the concept isn't explained too well, so it took me some retrys to understand what I was supposed to do.

Good game!

Nice Art and fun concept! I didn't really understand what the "healing camps" did though, do they heal the bas or the units? (Im really bad at rts games)

I reaally liked this game, very good job on making so many level in such a short amount of time :o

Haha, thank you for the kind comment :D

fun little platforming game, too bad there was no audio though ^^

And I agree with jason regarding the health, you can get hit by everything and still win.

Glad you liked it ^^

As for Pedro... Well let's say he'll be fine :x

Thank you, yeah gameplay-wise it looks a bit bland as is, and power-ups + the indicator would definitely be a great addition ^^