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Wow, that was fun - and disturbing! Got ganked by the first lot of dragons but the second time round I nailed it in 11 mins or so. Love the music - I searched the lyrics of one of them and couldn't even turn up the song 'come back to me darling ... think of the little one you feed'.

Was worried my onboard graphics wouldn't be able to hack it but I dropped my resolution to 720p and overclocked a bit and was good (GPU died last year - at about the worst possible time in computing history)

Btw I found a 'cheat mode' the third time round - if you rapidly swap between weapons you can fire instantly - a sortof John Woo mode. Get some, Satan!


Thank you! I'm glad that you had some fun with the game. I'm gonna fix the bug. And I'm going to improve the listening of songs during the game too. I liked a  lot to search for these songs, some are really good and fun (despite of being considered evil nowadays).


Yeah it's fun to hunt for quirky out of copyright stuff. I'm pretty sure the paintings I used as backgrounds in my game are ancient enough.

And indeed - those songs were products of their time! Did enjoy the Uncle Sam song: 'based' as they say.