Finally had some time to test your new release. Reordering the maps works fine. It's really neat that the Icon changes while pressing shift :)
When saving as a series of separate images there's a little bug: a number at the end of the file name is ignored. This caused me to overwrite some images. Here's what I did:
- Loaded an image and 7 maps
- Saved as separate images and typed "BeepBoop" as filename
- BeepBoop01.png to BeepBoop07.png was created
- Loaded a different image
- tried to save as separate images again and typed "BeepBoop2" as filename
- my previous pictures were overwritten without warning (even without this bug, I think a warning would be nice when files with the same name already exist)
And another bug: the tool crashes when I abort the save palette file dialogue. (The save button at the bottom left)
I'm really happy with these two new features, makes my scripted solution kind of obsolete I think, thank you :)