Got through level 10/12 (lots of games to rate lol), but it's alright! Strong first impression to say the least; I will say the puzzle-solving part was somewhat tedious because if you had a stretch of two tiles to walk, you had to move to your mouse to click, back to the keyboard to move, back to the mouse to unclick, and it's a lot of switching back and forth between these which isn't the best in my opinion. The lack of collision boxes that prevented me from walking off the edge is also a bit of a downside, because I would accidentally hit an arrow key an additional time and have to restart the level, and if it wasn't so tedious to get back to where I was I wouldn't really have a problem, but yeah. Also, specifically in level 3, I expected to be unable to move through the knight, so I was using it as a wall to stay put while I moved the second knight up the left side. To my surprise, the floor disappeared for like a frame and the second knight fell through which meant I had to restart from the beginning. It's a good concept that could probably have done with better controls (maybe if there's only one knight on screen you can hit the spacebar to attach and detach? I don't want to grab my mouse if I don't need to.) All in all, a fine game with some bugs here and there, could have definitely used some more polish.