THANK YOU! We're super happy with the sprite art so that means a lot!
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Thank you for the feedback! There are a couple breakables scattered throughout the map with loads of energy goodies inside, which might accelerate the laser charging process :)
The melee attack does a teensy bit of knockback to get out of a tight corner, but you're right that it won't help survivability too much. If you're surrounded on all sides it might be the end of the line at that point, haha. Regardless, thanks for playing! <3
For starters, I'm not entirely sure how, but this game can be VERY tough on your PC. My fans were blaring after about a minute of gameplay which didn't really make sense for a pretty simple game as this. Anyway, to sum it up for those who weren't able to play, you're a big slime who moves around the map collecting the other slimes in a maze. It's basically a collectathon; get 100 or so collectables in the maze and you win. There are gates that don't let you through until you've collected enough slimes, akin to how some gates work in Pikmin, but it's more or less a progress check to make sure you have everything in the area. The surroundings and the music are pretty solid, but the problem is the game isn't that fun? Like I know there are people who like collectathon games, but those aspects are usually secondary to the main gameplay, which could be platforming or even FPS games where you can explore the nooks and crannies of a massive map. Sure there were only 48 hours, but the only gameplay element is moving around the map running into however many slimes were placed (I stopped early to avoid my PC crashing so I can't say the exact number). This isn't a testament to "don't play the game", you absolutely should! In fact I did find some enjoyment with meeting the threshold for gates. But, it's nothing super special for me. I think adding an enemy-type-thing that patrols an area or chases you if it sees you would've been a nice addition, but in the meantime there's nothing stopping you from just picking up all the slime lying on the ground.
Phenomenal game!! For 48 hours this looks and feels phenomenal. The music is superb and the cutscenes are a very nice addition! (Although I wish there was a way to skip them, maybe in the future?) But yeah, looks and feels like it was a big project in the making. Of course this is a review and I can't be too positive, even though this has been the best game I've reviewed thus far. The eyeballs shoot way to fast in my opinion. Sure that could be just "me being a bad gamer" but on the second level I found myself dying more then out of every level afterwards combined, something about having to worry about orienting yourself in a position where the box gets out of the cubby hole it was in so that it doesn't get stuck on the wall, and now I have to dodge rapid-fire eye bullets? Having something else to focus on is great for engagement but I was putting more effort into dodging the bullet-hellfire than actually trying to solve the puzzle so maybe it could be slowed down a bit when they're first introduced LOL
Another nitpick, the box collision is not super consistent? Like when the boxes are flush and you pull it to the wall without it hitting anything, it feels REALLY GOOD! But when its's slightly on an angle, it feels like there's maximum friction because it just wouldn't go anywhere. I also had a tiny issue with boxes clipping into each other, but that's an issue to be solved after the 48 hours. For the limited timeframe, I'm absolutely stunned by the overall quality/polish. Just a couple of issues with box collisions and a probably-too-high difficulty on the second level and this could very well be on par with Laser Guy (Harold) that won last year!
Good game! Not gonna lie, moving as the flies combined with the changing camera angle was pretty fun for me. That in mind, I did the entire game as the swarm of flies as the frogs posed little challenge and I was free to go straight through. There is no real reason to use the rabbit I don't think. Also, tiny nitpick, but you can see the borders of the ground tile. Besides that the pixel art is gorgeous, but the level design is pretty weak and there's not a whole lot of challenge. Definitely fun to move around though.
Got through level 10/12 (lots of games to rate lol), but it's alright! Strong first impression to say the least; I will say the puzzle-solving part was somewhat tedious because if you had a stretch of two tiles to walk, you had to move to your mouse to click, back to the keyboard to move, back to the mouse to unclick, and it's a lot of switching back and forth between these which isn't the best in my opinion. The lack of collision boxes that prevented me from walking off the edge is also a bit of a downside, because I would accidentally hit an arrow key an additional time and have to restart the level, and if it wasn't so tedious to get back to where I was I wouldn't really have a problem, but yeah. Also, specifically in level 3, I expected to be unable to move through the knight, so I was using it as a wall to stay put while I moved the second knight up the left side. To my surprise, the floor disappeared for like a frame and the second knight fell through which meant I had to restart from the beginning. It's a good concept that could probably have done with better controls (maybe if there's only one knight on screen you can hit the spacebar to attach and detach? I don't want to grab my mouse if I don't need to.) All in all, a fine game with some bugs here and there, could have definitely used some more polish.