Really nice game, especially for a one-person team!
As several people have mentioned the game is a little too simple. Or at least, I feel that there isn’t enough tension, as it’s almost impossible to fail (only with very bad luck I guess? Unless there is guaranteed sun spawn).
It was nice that you added a tutorial at the beginning, it made the placement rules a lot easier to understand. If you had time, adding an “allowed placements” indication would also be great, because once the game started I didn’t remember the distance for sun to grass. For example, if the next time you are supposed to add is a grass, you could highlight all tiles within 4 distance of a sun.
I also found a small bug: if you have a grass or water and select a tile of the same type, nothing is placed, but time still move forward.
Anyway, great game, and here is my perfect sun-grass-water lasagna