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A member registered Aug 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Really good game! Very complete and a lot of variety for a game jam project. (In the ways to catch monsters, and not getting caught ;))

At first I read “Forest of Friends”, but I wasn’t very nice to my friends…

I don’t know how I was supposed to catch mushroom-man with stones, he ended up getting stuck while running away, so that’s how I picked him up. Otherwise I didn’t have trouble understanding were to go thanks to the level design

Like the commenter below, I found the mouse sensibility too low by default

Overall good job!

PS: Hehe, I could see in my shadow I was actually a capsule (or a very smooth potato)

(Seeing the other comments) I also didn’t have frame issue, but I’m running my game on a rather good laptop, on linux

Nice game! A little short, but I guess that’s expected for a game jam by one person. Very good idea to have a “tutorial” phase were you can only shoot the targets that smoothly transitions to the boss fight

It would have been nice if there was a “recovering” animation after the throw (and of course more monsters to fight :P)

Nice touch to have the arrows stay stuck in the boss for some time. I also liked the overall look and color pallet

Sorry! That’s our fault, the game isn’t that demanding. I guess the default Godot 4 export options are Vulkan, but I’m pretty sure it would work out of the box if we selected the OpenGL

If you want to try it I can make a OpenGL build for your system (you can ping me on discord)

Thanks a lot, I checked it out ;)

Wups, third person the lock happens too, we’re very sorry…

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! :)

You’re (at least) the second person the lock happens to, I guess we should have at least added a “retry” button to avoid this… And yes, reworking the controls / hotkeys could help the flow of the game

Thanks a lot!

And sorry, I though we had tested enough to make sure no such thing could happen, but I guess it somehow slipped :/

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, we definitely should have done that

Great game! The game was fun and easy to grasp. Level two ended being pretty difficult for me. I’m sorry fish trio, I couldn’t save you… The jump/float was hard to us as the gauge emptied itself rather quickly, the spikes right under the bubbles kept on sneakingly killing me, and the thermometer was hard to keep in right temperature range (doing the “left” part of the level takes longer to do than what it takes the thermometer to decide to boil the fish). I think I would have liked it to be slightly easier (a tiny bit more buoyancy), or maybe an in-between level

Plenty of nice polish, such as the seaweed being pulled out, the snail mustache, and the swimming (or floating :X…) fishes in the aquarium. And cool music ;)

Good job!

Awesome game! I see this was a huge team-work effort, I don’t know how you managed to coordinate :O Especially nice music, game-play, and introduction. The tongue mechanic was very fun, a little sad it doesn’t stick to the ground. I could also see the tongue-dot turn red when pointing at helicopters, so I though I could “eat” them this way, but it seems that it isn’t actually possible? (Or I need better reflexes)

I got slightly stuck in a building once, so I ended up destroying it (kaiju thinking). I also saw the percentage of destruction go into negative -2[a lot of numbers]% at the very end just before wining, probably a quirk of the implementation ;)

All in all well done all of you!

PS: Hehe, yes it was fun to click on the button

Tiny note: At the very beginning the kaiju kept moving on its own in random directions without me pressing the keyboard and I though I was going crazy. It took me ~5 minutes to understand that it was my touch pad that was triggering weird keys. I don’t know if it’s a Godot bug, or maybe just me (I seem to be the only one)? (Or maybe karma for not plugging in a mouse right away?)

Really nice game, especially for a one-person team!

As several people have mentioned the game is a little too simple. Or at least, I feel that there isn’t enough tension, as it’s almost impossible to fail (only with very bad luck I guess? Unless there is guaranteed sun spawn).

It was nice that you added a tutorial at the beginning, it made the placement rules a lot easier to understand. If you had time, adding an “allowed placements” indication would also be great, because once the game started I didn’t remember the distance for sun to grass. For example, if the next time you are supposed to add is a grass, you could highlight all tiles within 4 distance of a sun.

I also found a small bug: if you have a grass or water and select a tile of the same type, nothing is placed, but time still move forward.

Anyway, great game, and here is my perfect sun-grass-water lasagna

Cute little game! There was a pretty good variety of sprite (even though I still often coupled some clones together), and I didn’t encounter any bugs.

It would have been great if there was a way to “cancel” a selection, and a little more variety in the ways the people move around the map, but overall the game is already pretty well polished for a 48h game :)

Thanks a lot henrybhudson!

Thanks! :)

(2 edits)

Hey JennS., and thanks for your detailed feedback! Even if you don’t play this type of game, you still managed to pass the first level!

We probably weren’t clear enough on how one can attach a module (and I tried updating the description to make it easier):

  • you have to first select the module with a left click (and it seems you managed to do that as I can see the piece selected in red)
  • then move your mouse next to the zoomed in ship, in a location it can be attached to (*)
  • then left click again, and it is placed!

(*) the held piece and the ship need to have facing “connectors” (the green things) such as:

For example, the two pieces you have could only be connected to the top part of the space-ship

Thanks KimiNako! I’ll make sure to check out your game as well :)

Thanks! (I have a soft spot for the baguette as well.)

Yes, the easy tactic of level 3-3 is really not obvious, as I didn’t give a lot of hints before. (Spoilers: You can actually drop the bread into the void, and the ghosts will follow it.) I planned on having two ways to solve the level (one for normal players, one for speed-runners), but by hiding the easy solution it just became a terribly balanced level. ^^’

And you are right for the sound, I’ll be more careful next time!

Thank you very much for your feedback! I am often guilty of leaving the tutorial to the last minute, then not have time to finish it, and end up with an unplayable game. This time I decided to change and made the tutorial my priority. ^^ I think it was the right decision (and so do you!), I will keep this strategy for next times.

I wished I had time for more levels, and make a smoother learning curve, but who doesn’t want more time in a game jam? If you reached the ghost it means you played at least all the levels of Chapter 1, so that’s already good!

And thank you again! The growing baguette was the first idea I had when I started making the game.

Thank you! And well done for the top score! I’ve updated the screenshot of chapter 2’s leaderboard in the game description, so everyone can see your prowess. ;)

Yes, level 3-3 has a simple and a hard solution. I kept the hard solution in case anyone wanted to get a good highscore. But I didn’t make the easy solution obvious at all, so I’m pretty sure no-one thought of it… ^^’

Good job! Making an RTS game for a game jam seems like no easy task, but you pulled it off. I feel like the strategy was a little bit too simplistic, but the core was fine.

As others I was confused with the non-clickable icons, but ended up understanding you had to use the hotkeys.

The enemy AI was actually pretty decent! At the beginning it was generating cavemen faster than me and they sent cavemen to attack me near the middle. That’s already pretty good, especially for a game jam, I felt threatened!

The sound is directional. It might make sense for fighting noises, but for the grunts when giving people orders I’m not so sure (it felt unnatural when I started the game). The sound effects are nice by the way.

They were some bugs. For example one enemy I killed seemed to have left a sprite behind: no-one could attack it, and it didn’t move or attack anything. Also, right-clicking on enemies doesn’t do anything (it doesn’t even move them), so to actually attack I had to move my cavemen next to the enemy and wait for the auto-attack. I had some issues with the prayer when I launched the game the first time. I double-clicked on the stone, and then my cavemen where unable to pray: as if the statue was not selectable anymore. Even moving the cavemen away and nearby again didn’t work It just happened once, I don’t know if it was just a rare edge-case bug or not.

So good job! The potato god is no more, all hail the bread god!

Nice game!

You added a lot of mini-games, which were all pretty fun. I was getting stressed at the beginning because I though there was a timer and the customers were not going to like me waste their time (and who wants to anger the devil?), but it seems like it wasn’t the case. ^^

I follow the others on the controls: For some mini-games it was not clear what to do. For the pretzel, I took time to understand you had to use the keyboard, as the rest of the game is played with the mouse. For the flappy-toaster, it was only after loosing a few times clicking randomly that I understood what was happening (the toaster falls rather quickly). For the rolls, even after many tries, I still don’t understand. I managed to get it rolled a little by click-and-dragging from the bottom up, but as soon as I release the mouse it reverse to the original position…

I also think the “randomness” of the orders should be better controlled: on my first try, the first monster only had 1 order, and the others 2 each, and I only played 3 different types of mini-games, meaning I would have missed 2! I played it again because I wanted to try all of them, and this time, they had 3 or 4 orders. So by controlling the randomness, I would say: have each mini-game played at least once (or twice?), the total number of orders should be within a certain range (10 to 12?), and maybe a single character should never order twice the same thing. For a small game (such as one made for a game jam), players will likely play only once, so you want to avoid cases where they would miss content (didn’t try all the mini-games) or that is too repetitive (e.g. needs to do 16 times the same mini-game).

The art was cool, and I loved the music of the main theme! (The music of the title screens starts of a little “weirdly”, probably because the virtual instrument doesn’t feel very realistic, but it gets better when backed up with other instruments.)

Anyway, great submission! (And thank you jdbuenol for rating and commenting everyone’s game!)

(1 edit)

Great game! It is very simple but very polished.

I just couldn’t reach 100m, until I read that you could bounce of the wall. It’s still hard, but I managed up to ~160m once.

The visibility above your toast might be a little too short. I don’t think I have enough time to anticipate and steer away from the jam. Placing the toast 2/3 from the top instead of half-way might have been enough? It’s not like the bottom part is often used I think.

As TheWelp mention, it would definitely make a great mobile game! And without changing anything, the screen shape already fits, and the controls are simple enough for touch devices (it almost seems as it was made with this intention?).

Good job!

I had the same problem as TragicCommons: the linux build didn’t have any .pck file. But I got it to work by taking the .pck from another build.

Unfortunately, the prototype is too short to give constructive feedback. Except maybe for the colour palette, which I liked. From what it looks like, you wanted to make a puzzle game? A sort of Sokoban?

But you succeeded at the most important thing: submitting something! And I’m sure you learned a lot, even if it doesn’t pay right away. I hope you’ll be able to get more done next jam! :)

I was too curious about the cheat code, so I downloaded you source and forced opened the cheating menu. And wow I was not disappointed, so many extra challenges! The “perfect” mode was just what I needed for the adrenaline.

I ended up doing most of the achievements (just skipped 1rst song perfect), and it was lots of fun.

Wow well done! I love rhythm games, so I might be biased, but I really enjoyed it!

I have plenty of small comments, that I will put in the random order generated by my brain:

  • I would have ordered the songs in a different order. The first one has a quick pattern at the beginning, and if you aren’t used to the controls yet, you will likely have trouble passing it.
  • Once I saw that toasting your bread game a huge score boost I did it every-time. ^^ I was a great idea.
  • The musics were very cool!
  • I tried typing the Konami code, in the menu and in game, but nothing happened?… Or maybe it was too subtle to notice?
  • Felt the game was too easy… Apart from a pattern near the beginning of the first song, you only had to hit the ~notes~ breads on full notes. But I play a lot of rhythm games so I am not a good representative of players.

Anyway, good job!

Hey, really cool game!

Very cool mechanics (interesting idea of having only two slots), and I liked discovering the crafts by trying different combinations.

But as everyone mentioned, it is way too hard. Even after I had found all the crafts (confirmed it by looking at the source code), I was still very far from succeeding.

  • If I focused on feeding myself, I could still starve to death with bad luck.
  • Even when I tried just going south (not crafting a raft), I never saw the river because I starved or burned before.

I played around 10~15 games and I still lost completely, and I don’t see how it is even theoretically possible to beat the game, even with luck on your side.

But I was very motivated, so I downloaded your source code, and doubled the max energy, hunger, and recovery by eating or sleep. And I still lost 5 times! (Finally found the river, but I didn’t have enough time to build the raft.) So I instead multiplied everything by three and finally I finished it.

Also, you added cool sound effects, but I almost didn’t hear them at first (their volume is too low).

Anyway good job! I just hope next time you will tone down the difficulty. x)

Cool game!

Where do the sound effect come from? x) Very funny, but also definitely spooky on my side, probably because the middle sized-ghosts sounds like No-Face from Spirited Away.

I was a lot more fun with the cheat codes, probably because you don’t get enough power-ups in the “normal” game, and your lone toaster gets quickly overwhelmed by ghosts. And there is a lot of power-ups, so you don’t want to skip them! In my opinion, the game is also too hard without them, especially if you’re unlucky and don’t get any purple ghosts. But I see jdbuenol still managed to get a pretty high score without any cheats, so maybe I’m just terrible at this game?

I really liked that if one ghosts passes through, you get a small help from the corners! If you loose a life, it’s likely because you are having trouble, and it helps getting back in the game without loosing all lives at once.

So well done!

Yeah I managed to finish it! After the first level (which I found kind of hard) I though I was never going to finish it, but I got used to the art of bread delivery, and finished the last level. Now were is my free bread?

Fun game and concept, I enjoyed it. And it matches all themes! :)

I had a little trouble with the controls, especially at first. Still had some trouble doing quick precise turns even near the end. But the wobbly front-wheel effect was really cool, so it was worth the trouble. It was also hard to guess the range at which the bread can be thrown, you added a red line for the direction (that was good!), you could have maybe clipped the line to the max distance, so if you point to far and you see only a short segment you understand that you can’t be too far away from the mail boxes?

It was also a little hard to guess what house needed what until you were right next to the mail box, and you don’t have enough time to change to the correct type (unless you want to get spooked). You mention adding colours on the mini-map: that could definitely have worked! I was thinking of icons with arrow on the border of the screen point to the type of the nearest house, but that is definitely more complicated to implement.

You managed to do everything by yourself (graphics, music, and code), that’s pretty impressive! And you said you hadn’t done any game jams in year, well done!

Thanks for playing! Try not to hate the ghosts too much, they just love eating your bread because it’s delicious.

Thank you! I might have made some levels a little too difficult (especially level 2-4 and level 3-3)…

Thanks a lot! It’s hard to be a baker around bread-eating ghosts.

Thank you very much! :D

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Ah yes, the cheats! Well, I wanted to add an in-game indication, but it sort of slipped through my mind. ^^’ Not that it’s actually very powerful (didn’t want to give a time advantage because of the leaderboard).

Rexy had no momentum, I probably should have left a little to make it feel more natural. For the floor in chapter 3 you’re completely right. I wasn’t careful about how the scene looks like if the screen is resized: what looked like void can look like a regular floor.

And I forgot to mention a small detail: you added a linux build on, but marked it as a android!

Nice first jam submission!

I really loved the colour palette you used!

The game was pretty hard, you got swarmed by the mammoths faster than you could shoot, and fleeing didn’t work because they slightly faster than you. (And you slow down when shooting arrows.) I finally found a decent strategy, you start my running and shooting a few arrows, and once there are too much mammoths you spam click.

I also reach higher scores that 15, up to 29/15 I think. But I did win once, at ~20/15 after killing a big mammoth. But some other times I had also slayed the big ones and a score higher than 15, and still didn’t win. I’m not sure if I didn’t understand the actual winning conditions, or if it is just a little buggy.

For the control, it felt pretty good moving around, targeting and shooting. I would have liked the WASD keys for movement for confort. There seems to be the WASD equivalent of the AZERTY layout, but yeah I had a QWERTY.

Anyway, well done for your first jam!

Wow, great game! And so much content for a game jam. I finished it, and I can say it wasn’t… a piece of cake. B)

… Nevermind. So as I said, a lot of levels, enemies & characters (with various moves), and each with their own sprites. The musics were nice, and cool sounds effects (though I would have decreased the volume of some, such as crushing cans). You even added a boss fight, with awesome animations! The patterns were a little hard to read sometimes, and it seemed to glitch a little? (At one point it was “jumping” up and down around the room, but it would teleport to the top position instead.) But I had enough butter stacked to brute-force it.

They were some animations not playing correctly, and fighting some enemies was not always smoothly (hit boxes? enemies going to fast? too much delay in the attacks?… hard to say), but nothing really bad.

I didn’t understand until the very end how to use the “vents”. Retried the game again with the cheats, and tried every character until I got it: it was the ghost!

Anyway, good job!

Great for a first game jam! The mechanic was very simple, but I kept trying to beat my high-score (which means the game was fun and you did your job correctly!). The controls seemed a little weird at first, but that was actually part of the fun for me. The controls felt gradually more natural as you learned to play the game. And I am proud to show my score of 78:

As the others mention, I think the game is too unforgiving, as a single mistakes makes you start from the beginning. This actually wouldn’t be that much of a problem if the game was faster / accelerated faster: if the average length of a try is 15 seconds, it wouldn’t bother me to restart often. Here, if you make a single mistake you loose your minute(s) of hard work and have to start from the beginning (and it starts of slow), which is why the others suggested added a sort of “shield” to not let a small mistake make your run go to waste. And I think doing either (higher acceleration & faster game / lives & shield) wouldn’t take too much time!

A smoother fall (have the bread follow a continuous path instead of discrete time steps), and a music would also have been great additions, but it’s normal to not have time to make everything. :)

Great entry! And I hope to see you again for the next jams.

Great beautiful game! The storytelling flows very smoothly, and naturally blend the tutorial and the variations in jump heights and speeds. The way you play with the symmetry of the level but asymmetry of speed was especially well done.

The graphics were beautiful (I really liked the colour pallet), the mystical-foresty music went perfectly with it, and I really liked the effect when they are separated.

I think the range might have been a little too small, especially in the last level were the cub has to go rather far in front, and I had to try it multiple time so the parent could catch up after activating the button without going over the limit. But that's really a detail.

So very solid entry, well done!

Thank you for testing the game! Yes definitely ^^', I'll remember it for next time.