This felt a bit confusing to play. It's hard to keep track of which viewport is yours since they're all linked and it jarringly adds/removes a viewport when you create/delete a clone. The synchronous movement essentially turns the game into a turn based one; which isn't a bad thing. Making it turn based does give you all the time you need to get your bearings but it's a still hard to reorient yourself every time you make/delete/swap to a clone. Additionally, putting delete and switch on the same button makes it hard to know if I'm deleting a clone or not. Lastly, the lack of a persistent crosshair (there's only the cube that tells you where the clone is going to be spawned) makes it hard to know if I've selected a clone or not for deletion. I can't help but think that maybe this concept might have worked better in 2D since it's a lot of information to juggle in 3D—especially since 2D allows you have a fixed third person camera to see the whole field.