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Simple and very nice game! I like the idea of moving the dice in this way so as to reach the end point with the desired number on the top face. By showing the faces of the die for next moves, you are giving a good convenience for the players, but maybe, removing it might cause some different gameplay altogether, like now the player's will be forced to think about the faces that can come up, which can increase their logical thinking skills as well as 3D visualization skills. This is just my opinion,  a potential idea lol. Anyways, good game overall :)


i was thinking about having a tile that when u land on it, it removes the "next move indicators", until you land on another one of the same tile. Didn't get the chance to implement it sadly. I was definitely trying to get the player to use their visualisation skills for this one. thanks for the feedback!

Good idea, I understand the time limit makes it difficult to implement all stuff. But hopefully you may develop this in a more polished version to be released later! Do notify me if you release it in the future :D