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Not really sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out how to combat. I've read the tutorial 3 times and have spent 10 minutes clicking/holding based on what the letter's morse code is and it just doesn't seem to be working. Not sure if it's a browser issue or what. Love the concept and will attempt to try again later (and rate).

basically, you hold down space or click(based on what you chose in settings). There is a progress bar over the player that fills up while the button is held. completing it registers a space, and if you don't, it registers a dot. after you finish typing a letter, wait one second for the game to take in the morse and display it on the screen. You must have selected the animal first, so you target whatever animal has a red border around them. I really hope this helps. I think we should probably flesh out the tutorial when we continue development of this game. thankyou for the feedback, though :D

(2 edits)

Ah, I figured it out! Thanks! I didn't realize I needed to select when there was only 1 enemy. I was also trying to slam each letter consecutively without giving it a space (1-second to register). Really love this concept and I really hope you polish this up and make it into something. I see a lot of potential with this concept.

My recommendations: When selecting a target, display their information either at the top or center of the screen. Show each letter's Morse code (instead of the one at a time). Remove the ability to click/use your potions. Make the player spell "POTION"  to use it. Stick with that core mechanic and keep building on it.

Edit: And try and give a live feed of what the player has currently done. As they (dot) or (dash), throw it somewhere on the screen so they get some visual feedback.

Regarding the spelling of potions, we have considered something like that. However, after the jam, we decided that we would expand the game. That would mean things like enemies dropping coins, adding a shop, and more items. We have thought about spelling potion, but decided against it. I think that maybe when using an item, depending on the quality of it, you must enter a random set of letters. (to use a small potion, spell "qre". to use a medium potion, spell "abaz") what are your thoughts

Make the player spell "POTION"  to use it.

yeah we thought about making them spell an item to use it, but that takes a long time that they could be actively fighting. Also, how would it know whether you're trying to fight or something else? I guess if no enemies are selected, but currently there's no way to unselect one.

So, imagine this: you select a healing potion (much like the way you select enemies), the word "MEND" pops up. You take the time to spell out this word for a benefit. The risk/reward factor creates more player agency. It gives them a choice. If they wait until they're too low before they use the healing potion, they risk not getting it off in time. Other effects can work the same way, "BOMB" gets rid of 1 letter from each enemy. "CURE" removes debuffs/poison from your character.