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The artwork is top notch, and the battle music really slaps! This game really captures the feel of those old NES RPGs (or like the super high budget NES RPG you never knew existed and never got localized from Japan maybe)

It wasn't very clear where the content ended, I found a second town but could not enter it. Also the initial stats and equipment made every fight a breeze so I never had to really try strategizing. But nonetheless this is an amazing technical demonstration of what could be a really cool RPG. Great work

Thanks for playing! I went for a lost game gear Game Gear game (GG gets no love lol). As for content I ran out of time  before the jam ended :( so no second town, cave, or trial in the desert past the mountains,  also why the difficulty is unbalanced. 

Ahh wow I had a Game Gear haha, I can see that now. Very cool though, I absolutely think you could build on this if you wanted to. Did you do the pixel art and the music yourself? It's really great work

I did most of the pixel art, but Christerious (  did the music.