I enjoyed my first date with her, and I didn’t get turned into a bloody mess with a bloody name on my back, I count that as a success~
I can’t wait for the continuation of the game but I just want to say a few words.
I’m not a great writer I just dabble so I might sound like a-know-it-all a little… but, you have a way of writing that sucks the attention of whomever reads the lines of characters you write. The VA may have given them more colour but your writing gave the characters life aswell made a great story.
I may have stumbled on this great hame due to manly, but Your game and writing made me stay for more things to come.
And sometimes you just need someone to say it to you to realize what you do is amazing. Thanks for making these treasures that lift some peoples spirits up, specially if they need it.
Thanks for the game and I’ll play your other work while I wait for some more Castoria time and some other girls~
P.s just… don’t tell her I said that……