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Definitely somewhat fun, I recognize some of these effects so I assume you used plugins for a lot of stuff.

Unsorted list of issues:

No way to return to default settings, this means you can't change the window screen color back to default because of how the plugin is set up.

The menu sound choice of not having a sound when opening it, but having a sound when closing is a bit weird. Might want to consider adjusting that.

The map is a bit annoying to get to, as are some of the other menu options. Might have been worth hotkeying the map.

The skill assignments are really weird since they give you controller prompts even on a keyboard. Keyboard controls are a bit awkward. Hard to attack, dodge, and use your skills. QWE would have been better as an option or what might have been better would be the ability to customize your controls.

For the UI, might want to consider adding a fade option.

When running, the default attacks show up behind you. One the of the weapons, the Astro Dagger, has no attack animation so you can't attack with it.

The boots of Magus have Lunge attached, but it isn't mentioned.

Some passability/layering issues such as in the tables/flowers in the library, the fish net and nearby object in the river area, the monument in the cave, and the chandelier shadows.

How is the old man able to just teleport between dimensions?

During one of the cutscenes, only some enemies show their nameplates, so it looks weird.

Mushroom sprites are messed up.

Items can disappear during cutscenes, maybe have an auto-pickup? Some later enemies seem to not drop gold and some of the earlier enemies seem to stop spawning.

You can't use a gauntlet with the spear, but you can use a gauntlet with every other non-Sol weapon?

The Major just goes poof when you fight Minor and only appears after the cutscene. Also, the bears don't aggro you immediately even though it would make sense to.

The tentacle monster looks a bit weird on the wood. Might have been better to have the fight on shallow water instead.

The volcano area is really dark for being a volcano full of glowing areas.

One of the maps looks really similar to another map, making it hard to recognize as a different map.

Enemies can spawn while in the menu.

The control guide disappears fairly quickly.

The spikeball is pretty OP to the point that Giga Shock isn't that useful because you have to sacrifice the HP regen for Giga Shock and the spikeball basically does about the same thing as Giga Shock except smaller range.

You can walk on the sky.

Enemies seem to only attack on four planes instead of 8, so you can easily dodge by staying diagonal.

Seems really weird to just randomly have a Japanese word.

In the post-game area, you are invisible.

Thank you for streaming the game, and we appreciate the honest review! We're definitely aware of the multiple bugs you listed, such as weapon animations and graphical issues, but time constraints kept those from being ironed out. Hotkeying certain things like the map is definitely a good idea. That is now on the list of things for the update. As for the skill keys, we tried to change the UI to show numbers rather than controller inputs, but could not do that in time. We are aware of many collision and layer issues, and we're very glad you pointed out some that we failed to notice in testing such as the net at the river west of town. We'll take care of that for the update. The water boss arena was created on short notice. My co-developer specifically suggested what you said to add shallow water, but we couldn't find any tileset that suited our vision. We can definitely change the lighting on the volcano path, that's an easy fix. And the invisible players at the end was our mistake. We forgot to change the transparency back after the transition. A lot of items we have in the game are admittedly unbalanced. We wanted to make it so the player could get to the end in under an hour, but certain tactics can potentially shorten it to under 20 minutes, such as using the highly overpowered Spike Ball. We plan on weakening that attack by either doing less damage per hit, or making it roll much faster. As for the creative choices, Lee has a connection with the Moon or Sun clan depending on who you're playing as (Sol will be playable in a future update), and therefore has been taught powerful magic. The enemies in the volcano deliberately don't drop money so you  can't cheese skipping the boss fight (you can refuse twice or have too little money in order to fight it). In conclusion, yours has to be the best review we've seen so far. It's in-depth but does not antagonize, and it shows you put thought in how it can improve. Thanks again for playing the game! Have a great day!

I am trying to learn how to give better feedback.

On thing you might have tried would've been to take the beach tileset and add a B/C/D/E or such tileset with the purpose of a single tile with a darkening/lightening screentone-like pattern (look up how manga artists use screentones to shade and such). Have that as a passable 'grass/brush' tile and then have that on a higher layer than the water. This way, it will look like lighter/darker water and your character can walk on/in it with only half of their body showing so it looks like they are walking through water that is high, but not so high that they can't wade through. You might need to add some border tiles as well, but those would be pretty easy once you have a pattern to use.

We're in the process of fixing as many issues in the game as we are being told. The water boss arena specifically is getting a lot of much-needed attention, in that waves will be ever so slightly shorter and there will be shallow water to make the tentacles not seem as out of place. The rest of your points will be addressed, but we decided to handle the major game-breaker first. Thanks for your feedback!