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I've always loved eastern wedding traditions with picking the date and such. aside from showing off how fat or empty your wallet is by wasting money on an over-the-top white dress that will be considered "cursed" if you get a divorce later, there's not much to our traditions here. I literally got married in a courthouse by the judge who presided over both of my sibblings hearings when they got in trouble, with my parents as witnesses, because my sibblings couldn't be trusted to take the event seriously, and my mother-in-law didn't want us to get married, becauses I was taking away her only live-in choreslave. I wore black slacks and a white button-up shirt, and my husband did the same (only because my mom threw a fit about us not at least pretending to dress up)... actually, I think I actually got married in the same room where my brother and sister were given community service and time in Juvinile detention lol

anyways.... That aside.... 

no worries on the progress. sorry vaccine made you sicky for a bit, but it sounds like you're recovering well, so I'm happy that you're doing okies at leasts.

I have a question for Kahlil... I hope he knows that "getting digits" is slang used for picking up chicks... getting phonenumbers. I could actually kinda see him hitting on Arya just to annoy him, because it would be funny, and there's not much Arya could/would do to him, because it'd be too much of a hastle to chase him down to beat him up, but yeah... roflmao

Also, we need to get Maya use that last one on Guntar. I bet it would have a greater affect XD namely turning the tips of his ears red; especially accompanied by a little cheeksmooch!


Hi, Tathalia!
I wish my wedding can be as simple :'3 I want a small wedding, attended only by close family and maybe friends, but well... both mine and my fiance's families have thick traditional values so there's little I can do about it. I do agree that we shouldn't empty our wallet/waste money for something over the top though! I did my best and tried to find a middle ground, but there are some things I can't win against mother-in-law-to-be ><

Once, I read an article where a couple didn't do a wedding, just registering to the government and church (I think it's a similar case with yours?) and I envy them because they can use the money to buy an apartment instead! 

I'm sure there are difficulties ahead and my journey as a wife will be a bumpy one, but let's continue to work hard like we always do so we can live without regrets and enjoy it while we're at it! >:D

That aside, YES!
Finally! You noticed the 'double meaning' to Kahlil's question! 
Most people will assume 'digits' means money, but that can also be a slang for a phone number. I once told you that Kahlil is a bi, right? Lol, it was a trick question and Arya knew what Kahlil was trying to do! lmao you just made my day with this~ x'D

As for Guntur... lol instead of him blushing, Maya will get attacked instead :'))
He's far from being a gentleman rofl

Thanks for visiting and thanks for making me smile!

SweetChiel <3

The struggle of the in-laws is real. It can be a battle at times. know it all to well lol. I can't even lie and say it will get easier... especially once there are babies involved. parents turned grandparents seems to be programmed for spoiling... and backseat parenting. whatever you do, don't leave the kitchen or baby room unguarded when the time comes!! you probably wont be able to find things anymore XD

I'm glad I could make your day, though! I largely grew up in small, backwater towns, and a lot of the boys I went to school with tried to behave like they were gangster/whatevers from a big city, so I got to hear all sorts of fun, if not butchered, slang. the use of "digits" never fails to get a good giggle. especially when someone would try to brag about slipping their phone number to a girl by way of "I slipped her some digits" and everyone would misunderstand XD

I didn't think about it, but you're totally right. poor Maya would be the tomato in the end! poor girl would be eaten up XD

Oh, I'm sure there will be all sorts of 'battle' with the in-laws later x'D
Thanks for the heads up! I already imagined lots of scenarios when I have a baby; like staying up late  at night, how to change their diaper, how to bathe them with warm water, etc... I also wonder whether caesarian section is hard on the body or not? I read somewhere that I have to do caesarian because my farsightedness prevents me from doing normal childbirth (it can cause blindness?)

As for not being able to find things anymore... Usually, I won't be able to find the missing things no matter how hard I tried. But funnily enough, they turn up when I'm not looking for them :'))

I'd love to hear more about your town though!
It sounds fun and coincidentally, one of my ideas for my 3rd project will take place in a small town with unruly people (dark fantasy genre)!
I'm quite bad at slangs and while the boys over here can be funny, I doubt it'll work due to our different cultures so ideas will be very appreciated <3 Of course you will be mentioned in the special thanks! OuO)b

As for Maya getting eaten up... that's...
Well, I've been working on the good end and the bad end, and I've just noticed the irony :'))
Okay, I'll stop here before I spoil you x'D

See you later, Tathalia!

SweetChiel <3

Having had 2 caesarians... it's not actually that bad. although sitting up on your own is a pain in the rear. definitely a good idea to get tested to make sure you're not allergic to either the staples or the stitches. my first time, they ignored my metal alergy, and I ended up dealing with infections. would definitely reccomend trying for natural birth first... and NOT looking when they're preping for epidural. O_O I will never not have nightmares. I've never heard of farsightedness and going blind trying to have a natural birth either... kinda strange. makes sense in a strange way. I have astigmatism, a lazy eye, and I was told farsightedness... basically, if my eyedoctor wasn't an amazing, kind person I'd be linses that are thicker than the bottom of an old school soda bottle.

we have the lost things in common! I'll spend an hour looking for a lost sippy cup, and then open the laundry room door, and find it sitting in front of the dryer, even though I had put it up on top of the back of the stove, before it went missing. good piece of advice. or my glasses.... or my phone.... or a library book.... silverwear.... my head if it wasn't attached to my shoulders...

as to where I live... I'm in what's essentially the Ninja state in the US. I say that because people often mix up Idaho, with Iowa, or Ohio... both in name, and location, which is comical because Geography is something we started learning clear by in the second grade. if we make it into the news, it's for a major forest fire, or there's some sort of string of freak deaths. It's a very mountainous place, with lots of great hunting, and fishing. Lots of great places for Kyaking, and whitewater rafting too. if you ever end up on the west coast of the states during the summer I can reccomend a nice spot to float the river, which is pretty relaxing. my home town is actually situated along a pretty sizable river. if you ever get the chance, I would reccomend ordering Huckleberry candy, namely liqourice. I can't reccomend elderberries, sadly, cause there's nowhere I know of that sells elderberry juice... seems to be something only my grandma makes.

As per spoils... yes, it's probably better to not hehe. I can live with relying on my imagination until release time, and then I will joyfully share the whole, wonderful experience with my communtiy!

Always a great pleasure, SweetChiel <3

much loves,
