It is really simple and probably that's the main downside. You have just enough tools to make game from scratch, but all other thing like collision detection, rooms, particle system, movement etc you need to handle by yourself. Some tile based games are using monogame (Like terraria (well not quite monogame, XNA to be exact, but they are almost the same)) because you need to render a lot of tiles on the screen quickly. I think monogame is really great choice if you want to create game from scratch and learn something new. So yeah i find myself enjoying working with Monogame!
Nice, yeah it sounds pretty similar to Love2d, which I’ve been using for this game jam! It’s a bit sad that Monogame is not compatible with some sort of web export though, whether it be emscripten or generating proper javascript somehow… That’s what keeps pushing me away, as in game jams it’s useful to have a “don’t download anything, just open this page” version available!