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Hello, the executable is broken but I was able to load up your source (as a fellow Godot enthusiast). Godot executables come with a “.pck” file on export and if its missing, the game won’t open. The docs have a good page on exporting you should check out here. Scope is a factor to keep in check with Game Jams but don’t beat yourself up over not finishing the entry, you took a shot and I’m sure you learned a lot along the way which I believe is the whole point of jamming. In terms of how to make bullets hit enemies, I find having the bullets be Area2D Nodes and enemies KinematicBody2D nodes and using the “OnBodyEntered” signal produces good results. I have an example of this in my entry, and if you want you can check out the source code here!.


Thanks to this comment I was finally able to run the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! I'll upload the pck when uploads are allowed after the jam and use your advice when I continue work on this game.


I second the Area2D and signal suggestion.