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(6 edits) (+2)

Has potential, and I really like the concept of this game as a big fan of Contra and Metal Slug. There are 2 major criticisms I have though. 

First, the level design and hitboxes could use work. A lot of the time you just end up sitting in place shooting the basic enemies as they pop up, and the only other type of enemy that appears frequently are the green troopers who shoot projectiles every little while, but often you can kill them before they even get to attack once. As for the hitboxes I feel like the characters are bigger than they need to be and it leads to enemies on platforms above you being able to clip the top of your character's hitbox, which is quite annoying.

I think there needs to be a greater variety of enemies, and they should focus less on durability and numbers, but rather attacking you in different ways that require different responses, be it running left or right, ducking, or shooting to destroy a projectile, halt their movement, etc. Shrinking the characters a bit would also allow for more interesting layouts and complex attack patterns too.

The other criticism I have is that the animations are inconsistent in their quality and overall rough. Most of the gameplay-related animations have far fewer frames than the sex animations, and that isn't inherently a problem but they're also quite stiff. Shrinking the characters would allow for more dynamic animations without being too inaccurate to the hitboxes. 

As for the animations that are smoother, including the sex animations, being smooth is a good thing but I can't help but notice some of the animations look the same as Mortal Kombat, and I get the sense these animations may have been traced off those. The smooth animations in general also seem less detailed, like less time was spent on each frame. If the in-game animations had the same level of quality as some of the promotional art this would be great. Using other animations and art as reference is fine, but if the animations are basically traced that's a big no-no. The only sex animations involving humanoid characters makes this seem more likely.

Making more fitting animations with that same smoothness and more attention to detail with the ample sprite size could make for some really nice sex animations. Branching out to non-humanoid enemies and such would be good too, such as the first boss having one involving its tentacles that come up from the ground. A lewd contra-style game would be great and I just want to see this game reach its potential so I hope I'm not being too discouraging.

Two other things I think would be good to add are firstly making it so you only grab onto a pipe/pole when pressing/holding up, because automatically grabbing it when you want to fall can get you hit by enemies or projectiles you'd otherwise avoid. 

The other is that when it comes to sex scenes I think they could be a bit longer so if you see one during an actual level you like you can properly enjoy it, but at the same time there really needs to be a way to skip them. In certain sections where there are a lot of enemies you can get stuck watching the same 1 or 2 animations for a few minutes because you're unable to skip and any enemy that encounters you will wait in place until they can have their turn.

Thank you for your feedback and interest in the game! You have brought up some great points about hitboxes and game elements to look at for polish.

This is a one man project and I am doing my best to manage as much of the development as I can. Some of the animations especially gameplay based ones are over a year old and come from a place of development where I am just seeing if I can make something that even works! I have definitely spent more time and frames on some animations than others. There are a lot of animations to be replaced as they are completed.

I am trying to improve every aspect of the game in development. My current goal is to finish the gameplay levels and then to go back and polish the game once everything I want is in. So of course there will be more enemies, modified level designs, fully realized bosses and more! I'm also currently working on the tentacle scene, who's going to put a tentacle in a game like this and not use it!

Thank you again for your input and interest, I am doing my best and I hope you enjoy the final project!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for responding, and those older animations not being as polished is totally understandable. Getting a foundation in before going back to polish it sounds like a good plan. While it's rough now I have high hopes if the stages and boss fights can get anywhere near as cool as some of the stuff in later Contra titles or games inspired by the series like Blazing Chrome and Super Cyborg. 

I'm no game designer, but planning out the different level themes and boss fights even if you don't implement them on the first version of the level seems like it would make it easier in the long run. Of course it will be a challenge to have it both be cool from a game perspective and also work as porn, but I'm sure you have some ideas already. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Also on the subject of animations, when you do polish some of the older animations I think two things that would be nice to see for the MC are:

A: Altered animations for when you have a non-basic weapon with a bigger gun, similar to how Metal Slug handles it.

B: Visible force from the firing of the gun, which would make the animations both less stiff and sexy, as in the character's torso and shoulders could be pushed back slightly from firing the gun, and at the same time her T&A could jiggle slightly from the force travelling through her body.