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Absolutely loved the hub world! Definitely got really excited when I saw that and then started playing. A couple of small notes:


  • Awesome art and music choices. The game has a very consistent theme and that's great
  • Graphics are really well done. The models are all appropriate and everything fits and flows well together.


  • The mini-map didn't always line up and I wasn't really sure where I was going with the ship
  • My biggest gripe was the controls, never really figured it out as well I didn't figure out how to get back into the ship after starting to pilot it.

Overall I really enjoyed the experience. Definitely an awesome game and thanks for sharing it!

Yeah, a lack of a tutorial of any kind of botched the ability to intuitively play this. I slapped a haphazard control layout in the settings menu and also elaborated on the controls on the actual game's page (near the top of the game description).

The minimap was a last second addition and no real thought went into it. It is simply a secondary render target with orthographic view. This is bad for many reasons, but worst of all is that with this method, it doubles up ALL draw calls and by extension the performance requirement. I figured it was better than nothing, since it does show to some degree when enemies are in-bound, outside of your primary view and most semi-modern PC's can still run it just fine. But yes, I agree with your cons entirely.

Thanks for the feedback, Ben!