I don't want to spoil anything, but there are moments where the story's current state of incompleteness can become a misleading element on its own — more than we would want.
It's safe to say that all the recruitable staff members have some meat to their stories. There's stuff to be discovered there, if you ask the right questions and dig around in the right direction. In the case of Robert I can say that our intention was to have at least one person showing up at the hotel who, deep down, is just a mythical enjoying his vacations. He works as a prosecutor in a hell and you can imagine that's a very stressful job. The prospect of spending a month in a very different location where he can read and laze about is interesting, and if he learns too much about the hotel his inner Law academic is awakened. Any self-respecting lawyer would want to write a paper or two about the contractual shenanigans in the Bedrock.
He has no reason to lie about anything. He is, in fact, quite honest, sincere and compassionate. He's also a red herring in comparison to Hermes, who's the real source of mystery when the two show up at the hotel. But, you know, he hasn't had the time or chance to give the player character his whole life story. If you asked and he trusts you he probably would say a lot.
So... I don't want to spoil anything, but what I want to say is that Robert's story (and twists) are not based on misdirection. Robert is exactly what and who he says he is. The cards are on the table and none of them are lies. Not all of the cards are visible right now, of course, but the game has enough information that people could make reasonably precise guesses.
We might add a lore drop in an upcoming update that adds some more information too. I wish we could have put it in 0.5 but, well, we ran out of time.