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Pretty cool game. Love that someone made a first person Metroidvania to play this time! Controls work great, graphics are good, love the soundtrack! I wish the scanner took a little less time to hold down; I couldn't figure out what to do the first time around. Took me forever to figure out where to go first also, but once I figured that out I was good to go. Love the glide, and the green gun. 

Game started bugging out once I went to the room where gates keep opening and letting more enemies out. First time I destroyed all of the enemies and the last gate wouldn't open. I reset the enemies and it worked the 2nd time. Once I went into the room it somehow teleported me into the room with all the white cylinders where you get the glide. I glided back over to the exit door and then I was outside the whole world for a second and then it crashed to desktop. Wish I could have gotten further, but don't really want to start over now. Solid entry nonetheless! If you want any details on the crash let me know what to do and I will see if I can help. I am playing on Windows 10 btw.

Heya! Worked on the game, and thanks for the play! Tavoe worked insanely hard on all sorts of systems to get a 3d game working in a month. One of which was room loading and cleanup, which I'm highly suspicious is the cause of your issue. He had to remove loading rooms in a background thread (cuz of crashing on our machines), and hastily implement the room cleanup code. We'll see what we can do about it.