Yeah, it's becoming a much larger thing than I first thought ! More and more people are talking about it ! I'm proud of ourselves ^^ What you wrote is exactly what I wanted in the first place by the way : it would be great to add here each pack individually and just to put on nexus the already done chunkXpatches for those who don't want to deal with the framework. So you would be ok to include your mods (random targets, poisonous pack, even the clean UI ?) to the chunkXpatches for nexus to make it even more "ultimate" ? That would be awesome ! Then I'll redirect here (as usual) for separate package in the description.
- Translations are supported by the framework. Just use the {#modloc TITLE English Text} command in json files, then your content packs and rpkgs work with all languages through translation files. Look at any of my mods for examples.=> you might have seen my previous update but I already did this in the pack my previous link.
- Not sure about the random targets translation as I don't speak French and Pouncha sent me a complete one already. Are your translations improvements based on that? => I thought it was incomplete for some part, but there was so many versions that I may have lost track. You can use mine since it was based on Pouncha's translations but without missing parts. If your version is already complete, be free to take whatever version you want.
- Not a new issue: terminator mode marks the vanilla mission as completed, the drops clause should get removed => I removed all drops for both english and french versions.
- You added again for offline escalations, but it is no longer needed as you fix the issue with a mapsetup. => It's now deleted.
- Separate downloads for rpkg and framework would greatly reduce file size for framework users. => If you're ok to put all the mod folders here, I'll only put the already done chunkXpatches on nexus for both english and french version, both in seperate zips.
I also renamed the offline escalation additionnal missions into "Kercyx' Pack" to be his own campaign, just like the others.
Edit : So here's the last (for today ^^) version with the corrections above, so each folder is the most "up to date" versionfor now (including offline elusives) :
Take care buddy !