Translations: no, you are still hardcoding some strings. You can use {#modloc} for everything, that way the framework builds rpkg files that contain both English and French in one and you don't need to copy everything.
For separate downloads, I set up a new itch project to collect all content packs without their own page and sent you a message on hitmanforum to become admin. Then you can directly publish updates there, without having to wait for me. Of course you can also create individual itch projects yourself and move your content there, like I did for my packs!
The files I uploaded in the new project have some changes, most notably remove unused raw resources and map setups. I suspect you added them accidentally.
If you label your megapack as mod collection on nexus, I'm fine with you including any mod I published, so everything except clean UI. It would be great if you could list the exact versions of all mods included in the pack somewhere though. I hope to find some time to make a proper mod page for clean UI, then you can include that as well.