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Truly gorgeous game. I'd love to see a full version some day!

First time through I was attempting to explore before I touched the second crystal and wound up in the 3rd crystal's room with no way to backtrack and get the one I missed.  So I quit and played again. This time I didn't skip the 2nd crystal, but the enemy graphics for it looked all garbled.  After defeating it I proceeded to where the 3rd crystal should be and there was nothing there.

It's a jam game so it's understandable. Keeping that in mind some small feedback if you ever come back to it - would be great if dialogue waited for button press to advance, and if it were easier to see what is currently equipped, current player stats etc, in the inventory/character screens.

This would be incredible on an actual handheld. Great work!

thank you so much! Yep unfortunately the dungeon was the last thing we were able to implement and it had these issues; you did things the right way and got punished for it! As for the garbled dragon, he's supposed to look like that! We didn't have time to set it up narratively or visually enough, but the idea is that reality starts to crumble around the entities found in this dungeon, and I've always loved glitched aesthetics ever since I found missingno. way back in the day...

We are actively working on a polished version and it will definitely include a better cutscene and inventory/ status screen system :]

Thanks again!

Oooh, that's good to hear!

Any tips on how to play to get to see the third boss? I mostly want to see all the art in action!

If the glitched dragon was intentional I think maybe it's a bit of a shame since so much of the pixel art characters are so pleasing to look at. I wonder if there's a way to make it look more like 50% beautifully rendered and 50% glitched out. Or if it's possible for just the character to look glitched rather than the background too - just so it looks more intentional and less like a whole screen bugged out. Of course more narrative explanation would help too. If you're still working on it you've probably thought of similar or better ideas already :)

Oh, I also noticed that some text got cropped off the screen. I believe I was using the font correctly.

Will keep my eyes open for more and my fingers crossed for a gb rom of the polished version! :D

Yes! to see what little we have of the 3rd boss, SKIP the dragon boss ( don't interact with it's crystal) and when you go into the final room, the 3rd boss's crystal should be there! Yep, it's all really a matter of execution, isn't it? :] was going to have the dungeon rooms start to glitch out a little bit too( alongside character dialogue)  to set up for the unholy dragon fight. 

Well a gb rom might be a bit of a stretch but we will let you know when the polished version is out! it was developed in fusion; but we do have ideas of porting what we can to gbstudio; the biggest thing we'd have to nix is the "mode 7" style airship travel, although it could be replaced with something "shmupy" perhaps.