Hi, I'm back, I know I said in my last comment I didn't get very far, although, like I also said, I loved the game, so I tried my best to get used to the controls, and I just wanted to let you know there's a glitch that lets you climb walls (and also break the game), if you use one of the long unbreakable blocks, you can clip it through the wall if you're throwing it downwards and you're as close to the wall as possible, then the game resets it's position to one block higher than it was before, so you can keep repeating this over and over again, which can cause a lot of other weird bugs and glitches, for example, and the reason why I'm telling you this, is after beating a level using this glitch, for some reason in the next level, the audio broke somewhat and the player was nowhere to be found, they were probably inside the wall is my guess. Enemies also clipped into the block sometimes, although that didn't happen as often, either way though, this glitch kinda broke my game, I'm not even sure if closing it will fix it, guess I'll find out later though. I wasn't sure if you guys were interested in continuing development for the game (which I think definitely think you should), but, if you are, you'll probably want to take a look at that.