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Fantastic! The control scheme took a second to get used to, but once i got the hang of it it was a blast. I really like how unique it feels. The visuals were also really nice and sleek.
I felt like the city boss had some readability issues. The high-contrast background of that stage in my opinion makes it kind of hard to see some things, with the yellow bullets and yellow telegraphs being the biggest offender- but nothing super problematic, really.
I feel like the game would be better off if the backgrounds also rotated somehow, but I can imagine it might be difficult to implement. That would give better feedback to spinning the stage around in my opinion.
overall, really solid! :D
i did try to design stages not as puzzles to be solved, but more as environments that the player uses to create variable scenarios and problems that they must then adapt to. There was a lot of intent in most levels to at least attempt to try and get players thinking, but there is no clear- cut solution to any level.