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A member registered Apr 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Continues aren't limited! you can set the amount on the title screen

The slowdown mechanic was kind of forgotten about until later on, it's mostly to assist with dodging snd and clearly display your hitbox

Ask somewhere else, this game is free

sin and punishment is also fantastic :))

Fantastic!  The control scheme took a second to get used to, but once i got the hang of it it was a blast. I really like how unique it feels. The visuals were also really nice and sleek.

I felt like the city boss had some readability issues. The high-contrast background of that stage in my opinion makes it kind of hard to see some things, with the yellow bullets and yellow telegraphs being the biggest offender- but nothing super problematic, really.

I feel like the game would be better off if the backgrounds also rotated somehow, but I can imagine it might be difficult to implement. That would give better feedback to spinning the stage around in my opinion.

overall, really solid! :D

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I made stage 3  :D

I'm a big fan of both of those games! While I wouldn't say ZeroRanger was a direct inspiration, it was probably subconsciously factored in. For the text transitions i mostly looked toward Ikaruga's very opaque translation. There's a narrative I swear!!

the resolution is too high it doesnt  fit on my screen i have to drag the window around to be able to see the whole thing

it's full of lovely beauty



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oops . if you close and reopen the game it should be doable :s

hello globeba

This game genuinely made me think. I felt scared and afraid

lets get a round of applause for future elvis

woooo ntte !

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well yes, the idea was that you wouldn't be able to anticipate all oncoming tiles. The game's focus is on adaptation rather than trying to find a single solution, and being able to see even further ahead would have possibly diminished that

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i did try to design stages not as puzzles to be solved,  but more as environments that the player uses to create variable scenarios and problems that they must then adapt to. There was a lot of intent in most levels to at least attempt to try and get players thinking, but there is no clear- cut solution to any level.

the next tile type is shown at the top of the screen

insane is like a son to me

this game is shit

niht bringer

the updated build also fixes some oversights which may make your experience less difficult

there has been a fix for the precipice bug! try redownloading the game :)

spurblo ruindd my life

bastard hazard is so awesome

this was actually the case before, it was removed but i dont remember the exact reasoning


ohhh that makes sense i wasn't sure if it was intentional !! fun game regardless 


this game is so swag so freaking swag 

i have no idea how to play this game

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nice puzzle game. I like how the mechanics are framed a lot but i was softlocked around 7 levels in tho

i like the concept a lot !!! i played it for a while, noticed the orange mailbox is off the map bounds

Really clever usage of the "using two characters at once" trope!!! i liked the level design a lot

very very cool puzzler. I enjoyed it a lot

controls were pretty neat !!! wasnt sure how to beat it though

i liked the music a lot

you can give yourself infinite hp but i liked the plappy sound effects

fun little game !! it took me a while to figure out that i had to use the space bar.