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(2 edits) (+1)

Also that "blockign" that the other guy mentioned, how is that done?
Or does it require an upgrade to do? :-)

Also is there a map in  this game?

Edit: Wait a second... from one of the screenshots do I see it right that you can actually BUY stuff from the witch?
I tohught she was jsut a one time dialogue thing as she didnt say much when i first talked to her for a bit so I never asked her again.
and went on with the standard magic attack :O

Edit 2: Nevermind. It all makes sense now, all my questions answered themselves :-)
Great game, I jsut came across the statue the other guy mentioned too.
looking at his comment I am getting afraid that I may nonetheless miss a ton of hidden content along the way :O


And now you know about the good old "exhaust everyone's dialogue" thing from every Souls game :P

(Bucket girl Kisume also becomes a fast-travel system if you talk to her enough times, if you didn't notice)

There's several ways to block/avoid bullets (slash them with Kokoro's sword, dash through them, use Patchouli's shield, destroy them with spells...) so there are attacks that will be unavoidable with just regular movement. Never said the game was gonna be easy~

(And yes, it's possible to miss like, half the game if you don't explore thoroughly. I wanted it to feel really special when you find the biggest secret area :3)

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah, I got that. currently am having after-end fun in the lunar sanctum.
probably missed a few things in the area with the 2 levers before the end boss.
and also some stuff in the area before the lunar sanctum as I basically jsut ran through there to get out of these monster infested caves :-D

Really great game, think I am getting close to the end with the boss in the sanctum.

are there alternate ends depending on if you straight bring the mask to the surface versus you know.. exploring further? :-)

Your games are great, man, by the way! :-)

Can't exactly do much with the lore since I have zero knowledge about touhou except it being a cool japanese bullet hell game series, yet I read about every dialogue nonetheless :-9