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Touhou: Hollow Hearts

Touhou metroidvania in the style of Hollow Knight. · By Yal

A fun platformer!

A topic by Pixel-Team created Oct 12, 2021 Views: 476 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 6

I'm not familiar with the source material, but for a fangame, you put a lot of love into this. The controls are solid. The impact sounds are satisfying, and the music is excellent. Love the nearly desaturated pixel art. I'm really enjoying the game so far, and so glad it saves my progress! Great job!


Very nice game! I'm not familiar with Hollow Knight, so the spellcasting controls and wall-jumping were a bit hard to get used to. I think I only really mastered the control when I was up against the last boss, which was when the game forced me to learn to dash and block and use spells. I'm gonna try for 100% next, and maybe a second playthrough where I primarily use Kokoro instead of Patchouli. The exploration is great, so I'm glad that I still have a lot of things to find. Favorite secret so far: Suwa-ko statue room. I love how deep some of the hidden rooms go, in the sense that they are not mere single-screen rooms with heart or magic pieces.

Clear time and collection rate for my first playthrough:


Glad to hear you enjoyed it! ^__^

The final boss is supposed to be a final exam on everything you've learned in the game, nice to hear it's serving the intended purpose.

You've missed about half the game, including the largest secret room ;)

"Recursive secret rooms" has always been one of my favorite things to make, always nice to hear they're appreciated :3


One of my biggest regrets is just assuming everyone's familiar with the Touhou lore, the friend I solicited for beta testing ended up really confused by the plot... next time I guess I'll need to spell things out more clearly (or include one of those codex things AAA games these days use to get away with sloppy writing :P)

Glad to hear you could enjoy the game anyway, though! ^__^

Can you not delete save files or is there some button I'm not yet pressing?


There's no built-in button to delete save files (I suck at UI design) but the savefile directory is C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\TH_HollowHearts, you can delete the files there. (thhk_save0 is save slot 1, thhk_save1 is save slot 2 and so on)


God has sent us a new game! :O

I am still playing the gun princess games to this day :-)


Really fun game.
but sure has some bullet hell tendencies.
that crystal snail thing sure is annoying when it spawns itself 3 times and the 2 annoying crystals (they are the real PITA since hitting them while bullet dodging is quite hard).
and that orb I dont even wanna talk about it. with his almost nosntop omnidirectional attack, I cant even think of any strategy at all to defeat it :-/

(2 edits) (+1)

Also that "blockign" that the other guy mentioned, how is that done?
Or does it require an upgrade to do? :-)

Also is there a map in  this game?

Edit: Wait a second... from one of the screenshots do I see it right that you can actually BUY stuff from the witch?
I tohught she was jsut a one time dialogue thing as she didnt say much when i first talked to her for a bit so I never asked her again.
and went on with the standard magic attack :O

Edit 2: Nevermind. It all makes sense now, all my questions answered themselves :-)
Great game, I jsut came across the statue the other guy mentioned too.
looking at his comment I am getting afraid that I may nonetheless miss a ton of hidden content along the way :O


And now you know about the good old "exhaust everyone's dialogue" thing from every Souls game :P

(Bucket girl Kisume also becomes a fast-travel system if you talk to her enough times, if you didn't notice)

There's several ways to block/avoid bullets (slash them with Kokoro's sword, dash through them, use Patchouli's shield, destroy them with spells...) so there are attacks that will be unavoidable with just regular movement. Never said the game was gonna be easy~

(And yes, it's possible to miss like, half the game if you don't explore thoroughly. I wanted it to feel really special when you find the biggest secret area :3)

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah, I got that. currently am having after-end fun in the lunar sanctum.
probably missed a few things in the area with the 2 levers before the end boss.
and also some stuff in the area before the lunar sanctum as I basically jsut ran through there to get out of these monster infested caves :-D

Really great game, think I am getting close to the end with the boss in the sanctum.

are there alternate ends depending on if you straight bring the mask to the surface versus you know.. exploring further? :-)

Your games are great, man, by the way! :-)

Can't exactly do much with the lore since I have zero knowledge about touhou except it being a cool japanese bullet hell game series, yet I read about every dialogue nonetheless :-9