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Well, I managed to beat the game by placing one portal on each soldier. Considering how squishy the skellingtons are, that was the only way I could find. Neat idea with a certain degree of Game Jam Jank.

And this is probably a lucky accident, but: The sounds of the skeletons walking, the gunfire and the skellies dying actually had a really nice rhythm to it. It reminded me a lot of the sound design in Heroes of Might & Magic 2, where the environmental SFX matched the music in a very satisfying way. If you're going to make another reverse TD in the future, maybe you can try and have the attackers and defenders match the music. It would make for really engrossing gamefeel, I think.

Wow, kudos for the effort! I actually played a couple of games after submission and considered it impossible... I will update this game to the point I originally envisioned after vacations. Hopefully it will be actually fun and balanced at that point :)

Regarding sound / rhythm. It wasn't intentional. Never played the 2nd HoM&M game (though I am a big fan of the series). Can you perhaps explain in a few more details what you meant with regards to SFX fitting well together? Did the actual rhythm of the sounds remind you of the HoM&M game or just the general "feel" of the sounds? Will be mindful about the music and SFX when I'll be updating the game.

I was referring to it having a certain rhythm. In Heroes 2, when you're near e.g. a mine, you can hear a pickaxe or hammer rhythmically clanking. The sound was designed to match the rhythm of any overworld song that might be playing.

With your game here, it was a lucky coincidence, but I think it'd be worth experimenting with an intentionally rhythmic TD.