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Wow, kudos for the effort! I actually played a couple of games after submission and considered it impossible... I will update this game to the point I originally envisioned after vacations. Hopefully it will be actually fun and balanced at that point :)

Regarding sound / rhythm. It wasn't intentional. Never played the 2nd HoM&M game (though I am a big fan of the series). Can you perhaps explain in a few more details what you meant with regards to SFX fitting well together? Did the actual rhythm of the sounds remind you of the HoM&M game or just the general "feel" of the sounds? Will be mindful about the music and SFX when I'll be updating the game.

I was referring to it having a certain rhythm. In Heroes 2, when you're near e.g. a mine, you can hear a pickaxe or hammer rhythmically clanking. The sound was designed to match the rhythm of any overworld song that might be playing.

With your game here, it was a lucky coincidence, but I think it'd be worth experimenting with an intentionally rhythmic TD.