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I've only played the games with Linux builds, so there's a lot I didn't get to!

Different people work differently - I try to stick with cubes and spheres for as long as I can before making assets, but I do find it very exciting and motivating once I switch over and start making "bespoke" stuff that pulls a game's visual identity into focus.

Best of luck with your project - hopefully you won't be waiting too long for Godot 4 if that has features that you need :)


For my "dream game" my basic game-mechanics work in "blocks and spheres" but instead of the steam punkish. third person stealth game I have in mind, it looks kinda like PacMan in 3d -> which makes building levels to human proportions very "hit and miss" and the same goes for any kind of interaction with the environment, or the enemies.

I'm not waiting for Godot4  (I'm 99% sure Godot 3 can do what I want it to do), it's just an arbitrary goal to be "good enough" at Blender (and have a working "Asset flow") once Godot 4 hit the shelves, so I'm currently putting my efforts there.

Building for (x86/AMD64)-Linux  is quite easy with Godot, so I don't really get, why not more people did this (which brings me to the question whether I could simply deliver the "pck" along side the Windows/Linux executable in one package... I guess I can experiment on this another day).

which brings me to the question whether I could simply deliver the "pck" along side the Windows/Linux executable in one package...

You can!