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I've been watching your progress on discord, this was amazing to actually play!

Couldn't fill the hole up after planting the seed, but it was such a blast visiting the other creatures! I mean wow! That was so sweet! Each character's design immediately told me what they wanted. Congratulations on all the seasonal and musical changes as well!

PS: I expected my laptop to fry seeing this was a 3d game, but it played like a breeze! I don't know how and what you did!


Thanks! Yeah putting seeds in holes and then filling them by digging while facing away makes sense, but my signs don't actually make as much sense as I thought at first :sigh: It was a fun game to make. Thanks for playing!

RE:PS: I used a lot of particles and tried very hard to lower polys where I could. It probably helps that there are zero (0) meshes that aren't some kind of Godot primitive. When I bought my dev laptop I intentionally bought a middle of the run computer so that my games wouldn't chog for people who don't have good hardware.


No no! Your drawings made sense! I actually liked them as a design decision. It was just that after trying it a few times, I gave up and went around to explore. 

I probably was missing some hitboxes or something hehe.

Great work!

