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I modified and updated AK|Phantom's script into a mod for 0.5.18 and tweaked how it works and was considering further tweaks.  If you haven't written your script already, I'd be happy to tweak this one further to also filter on breast size, skin tone, and butt size.  I adjusted the code so adding additional conditions is much simpler.

Was thinking of going a step further to make it a little more optimized by caching the list of portraits and their attributes (refreshing every few minutes), so it's not redoing the directory listing and comparisons over and over. Since if you say, attack a bandit camp, right now that could generate 5-10+ characters and it'd re-scan the directory 5-10 times.  Plus I'd like it to be a bit more advanced in it's pulling of attributes, like treat Brown as hair, but BrownSkin as skin color.  Also to not match Elf races against DarkElf.

Anyways let me know, or if you can maybe mention any specific tagging you're already using I can tweak the mod ahead of time.

randomportrait mod Version 0.2!sXxmDAqZ!hmiE948bEroR3U2naD3vpNdnlVAh9Rfi2Ckf9l4YmDw
info.txt  describes current rules i'm matching on.  The contained code is also a bit easier to read/modify.

this is why i use 'child' instead of loli.... cus male children arent loli's loli is female exclusive....

Matching the in-game terms does make it simpler in general, but can also make it match a variety of terms.

I'm using the updated version of 1's script, from same guy who made the original script that AK|Phantom uses in his pack.!w0kgyCDJ!pp_Br56JBqM2NJp-skzJIP-XoepfB-qjc8qxT2bytWo

These are the tags/filters the script uses. What my pack images names based on.

Sex: ["Male", "Futa"] or ignore = Female Age: ["Loli"] or ignore = Adult Races: ["Human", "Elf", "DarkElf", "Orc", "Drow","BeastkinCat", "BeastkinWolf", "BeastkinFox", "BeastkinTanuki", "BeastkinBunny", "HalfkinCat", "HalfkinWolf", "HalfkinFox", "HalfkinTanuki", "HalfkinBunny", "Taurus", "Demon", "Seraph", "Gnome", "Goblin", "Centaur", "Lamia", "Arachna", "Scylla", "Slime", "Harpy", "Dryad", "Fairy", "Nereid", "Dragonkin"] Hair_Colour: ["White", "Green", "Purple", "Blue", "Blond", "Red", "Auburn", "Brown", "Black"] Breasts_Size: ["TitsS", "TitsM", "TitsL", "TitsH"] where: TitsS = "masculine", "flat", "small"; TitsM = "average"; TitsL = "big"; TitsH = "huge" Skin_Tone: ["SkinL", "SkinT", "SkinD"] where: SkinL = "pale", "fair"; SkinT = "olive", "tan"; SkinD = "brown", "dark" Butt_Size: ["AssS", "AssM", "AssL", "AssH"] where: AssS = "masculine", "flat", "small"; AssM = "average"; AssL = "big"; AssH = "huge"

Tags priority are in this order: Sex->Age->Race->Hair_Colour->Breasts_Size->Skin_Tone->Butt_Size->Natural_Selection

Images are going to be named like, "Human Loli Blond TitsS TitsM SkinL AssS AssM (1).png"

My pack is already pushing 3100+ files and still haven't tested it at this big. File size is less than AK Phantom's though with most images being hi-res. But, if it lags or freezes then an optimized script for it that caches sounds nice. 

First and foremost, I am super excited for this script and portrait pack. Realize renaming 3100+ images is no small feat! So take your time :)

I've already been grouping my potential portraits into Fair-pale, tan-olive etc, so like the idea of the sorting mechanics working in pairs.

It would be great to add Skin_Tone: ["SkinB", "SkinG", "SkinP"] where: SkinB = "blue", "pale blue", "teal"; SkinG = "green"; SkinP = "purple". For Dryads, Orcs, Goblins, Nereid and Drow.

Finally (and this is presumptuous so I apologize), both you and Kyler2 seem admirably dedicated to modding the same "", both with similar goals. If you two could work together on this, we aren't going to end up with two conflicting mods, and a little help is never a bad thing right.

I've added his tags to my mod, and added your suggestions of SkinB, SkinG, and SkinP as well. will be part of 0.5, once game bug for mods is fixed.

(2 edits)

Finding renders online, editing and resizing them with photoshop, creating portraits, renaming them.  Definitely no small feat lol. Been working on it for 3 weeks, something at first I thought it would only take me a weekend to do.

Also, It wasn't me who made the script, it was a user named "1" from another forums site(piracy site, can't post). He's also the one who made the script in AK|Phantom's pack, in that thread where I found out about him. I was just the one who pmed requested those tags/filters and he updated it.

I thought about asking to add the extra skin-tones for the other races too but didn't since it's only those races that has those skin tones. Like no other races but Dryad, Orcs, and Goblins have green skin tone so we thought race tag good enough to cover that.

I'll be happy to be use  Kyler2's script as well when he updates it with the new tags.

Thanks for details, I'll make my mod match similar tags, in addition to more descriptive <color>Skin LargeBreasts  etc.  I'm already matching.  I got caching working and refactored how it works entirely. It handles a bit more intelligently if an attribute isn't set on the slave, also realized should use furcolor if hair isn't set so you can specify colors for beastkin/halfkin.  However, there's a bug with the mod system that prevents me from using the caching setup with the current version of the game, so will have to wait for the 1-line fix.

Can you include the tags in the script I posted above as well? Like LargeBreasts and TitsL = Large Breasts.  Think descriptive tags will make filenames pretty large too.  Like for some races I can't find images that covers every butt size for their tit size, hair color, etc. So some files are named like, "Dragonkin Blond TitsM SkinT AssM AssL AssH (1)" but with descriptive tags it would be, "Dragonkin Blond BreastsLarge BreastsHuge LightSkin AverageButt LargeButt HugeButt (1)" Just think shorter tags will make it easier to manage. I also don't feel like renaming 3100+ files again x.x

Mentioned in other comments, but I did add those tags already, just waiting for Maverik to fix a bug with plugin applying that prevents my newest version from working.

In upcoming version I've made it so it's more a sliding scale of selection for the 4 lesser attributes. If in that situation you don't tag breasts at all, or only tag one size,  if they don't match, there's still a chance that portrait will be chosen, it's just lower than one where they do match.  Basically, it'll check hair/fur, skin, tits, and ass,  come up with a cumulative score based on which of those match,  then it'll randomly select from them with higher odds of selecting one with a higher score.  Option to adjust what score it assigns for each of the 4, thus making them matter more or less. Haven't put it into practice yet, but the thought is it'll mean less repetition of portraits, at slight cost of not always being perfectly accurate.

I'm also thinking in some cases it should maybe even get partial score for being close. Like if they're one size up or down for breasts/ass, maybe counting that for half weight?  Or even handling the hair similarities in code. I still need to test it out, but would need portraits first ideally.

Basically, better to name your files accurately one time, not worry about perfectly covering every combination, just accurately describing what the portrait is. I can attempt to handle it in some sane manner in script.