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Edit: Payoneer is now available for all accounts. You can learn more here:

We're currently experimenting with bank transfers with a few people. It's a lot more overhead for our small team so it's likely it will be restricted to sellers making over a certain amount. If you'd be interested in using it send us an email.

As for Square Cash, I looked into it briefly at one point, but it doesn't look like it's designed for handling payouts from a business, in addition to not having an API.

Lastly, I also looked into Google Wallet and it seemed like they also didn't have business integration for paying people.

Ah darn. I know Paypal holds funds for a month over a certain limit, so that's why I was suggesting the others. Kinda weird that Square of all companies doesn't have a business integration.

We haven't made nearly enough money to justify adding overhead to your time for bank transfers. When we start making more than 1 purchase every 350 views, we'll talk.

Hi leafo, is that still the case ? Bank transfer would definitely be much more practical.