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The only option I have with Zessura in her tent are:

  • "Let's have some fun."
  • "How are you feeling?"
  • "Nevermind."

None of them actually mvoer her to the omni sanctum.

The north exit of the ruin map doesn't let you exit (there's no tile that let you teleport to next map), so can't explore the map around a bit.

So basically, either there's a flag not firing letting you exit through the ruin map north side, or there's a serious problem with the windows version.

(1 edit)

AHHHHH, I'm dumb I figured you had already gone to the side rooms and such. Yeah to the south of the ruins is the omni sanctum which is surrounded by side rooms, three on each side, the first time you enter them an event fires, telling you to speak with Zessura about upgrading the side rooms. Have you not entered the side rooms yet? (The north of the ruins leads nowhere, it's to the south)

found it.

You might want to create either a symbol at side rooms entrances (like a carpet and/or a side quest that automatically start right from the beginning indicating that those aren't walls but side entrances.

there's no indications, thus people wouldn't to head head-first into a wall like that.


Funny you should say that, all of my newer maps make use of stairs or pathways that end in darkness to indicate doorways. 

The ruins were one of my first maps and I was still getting used to map creation. I originally planned to use stairs to indicate the lower levels in the pool chamber as well, but the game engine doesn't have sideway facing stairs. 

Newer maps focus on using a top down approach usually because of this. 

I've edited the ruins and pool chamber to better reflect these pathways.

Yea, this really threw me off too. I'm used to some sort of indication of there being a portal to a new map, and I likely would have uninstalled the game out of frustration if I hadn't stumbled upon your post.