Cute Sprites for the Player and the Enemies, I like the facial expressions on getting hit a lot!
Game immediately recognized my Controller which is nice, but Main menu didn't recognize Joysticks, only dirpad.
I like that the second dodge in row knocks you prone as a way to prevent dodge spamming.
The Controller picture in the bottom left doesn't necessarily match the picures in the tutorial signs.
Combat sounds like it has some nice depth, but I found myself just circlestrafing and shooting my Crossbow until each room was cleared without loosing health or getting punished in any other way appart from probably taking a bit longer.
At the Moment I can only equip/unequip Armor at the Chest, but it doesn't go into the Inventory, and I can't move it around or anything, only weapons and potions ( and I can't open the Inventory outside of Chests, probably because start opens up Steam instead)
Would like weapons to be equippable to the belt instead of cycling through all the ones in the Inventory, so I can choose which weapons to have quick access to.
In the Room with the 3 Fistguys, after a while all 3 of them just ran up to the upper left corner and stayed there.
When going prone the floorsprite doesn't wear Armor.
Whats with the 3 Guys walking on the Water that have Tons of Health?