A review based on the first 30 minutes of playtime
The game has a very interesting premise and the world it all happens in seems well flashed out. But I can't recommend it unless you read Spanish.
My only problem with it is that the English translation is functional but far from good. It makes it hard for me to actually immerse myself in the story and the characters. I was pretty surprised by this because the summary of the game on this page doesn't share any of its problems
For example, sentence structure can be weird, all characters are referred to as 'he' even if they are women, and nicknames are never translated. But the problem isn't just the English skill of the writer, but also that it doesn't feel like the English version has been given a lot of time or effort. Even in the first 20 minutes, there are quite a few sentences that are repeated multiple times and some still have the Spanish preceding them. So there are also proofreading issues.
I do have to commend the creator of the game on their way of handling Ren'py graphics. A lot of the backgrounds and none human models in the game are clearly low resolution. But by the way the shots are framed, it almost makes it unnoticeable and feel like it's part of the art style. In general, it makes it feel retro instead of low quality to me.
TL;DR: The game is worth checking out if you can play it in Spanish.