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I'm afraid I can't figure out how to play the game at all. I'm on the first screen where you can press space to start the firefly going in a circle and tab to toggle 2x speed. It says "drag >" but I can't seem to do anything. What is supposed to happen on there?  Should I be able to move something with the mouse?

The player is supposed to drag the white ring with the mouse.

The tutorials are hastily made due to lack of time, and I admit that I'm especially dissatisfied with the introduction. In fact, I suppose you are not the only one confused by it. This certainly is a priority for post-jam updates, thank you for the feedback! If interested, you are welcome to revisit the game.

ok, that's what I thought. I thought I might be missing something. On my computer that actually doesn't work. I can't drag the circle, it's just stuck in place. Tried on Firefox and chrome on Linux.

It's strange… Is it true that the dialogue screen and the top-left buttons respond properly to the mouse, but the circle does not move? If it is the case and you are interested, I can build a debug version for you to help me find the problem. I appreciate your attention no matter whether you are available to do this, thank you! I can also be reached in the raylib Discord server by the name Ayu.

I kept trying and eventually it worked, I'm not really sure why though. 

Maybe the clickable range is too narrow. Anyway, I will try to revise it. Thanks a lot for your feedback!


And thank you for making an awesome game! It is very very fun. Great idea overall.