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A member registered Jun 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your appreciation! ^ ^

It was actually a misinterpretation of the Raylib 5K Game Jam’s theme, “That was close!” As a non-native English speaker I developed the idea around proximity (in game mechanics) and intimacy (in the story) instead of thinking about “barely avoiding a mistake” as was originally intended by the idiom.

“Connecting to the other world” was the first spark; I could not but say it was much of an instinct of what was to come, as the story (of loss) that happened to myself in reality was in fact after the jam. The game has since become quite personal and I'm heartily delighted that people take the time to express their interest. My deep gratitude <3 (and sorry for such a long post ._.)

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! I plan to add the music in a post-jam update.

I really enjoyed your game (and so have others — congratulations on your first published game!!) and it's indeed a pleasant surprise to see this coincidence. I find it amusing how I tried to drag the penguin for a few seconds before I realized you're doing it the other way round  🤣

Thank you for your compliments! Don't panic, you can see that penguins can swim and stay safely in water ^ ^

Thank you for liking! Don't panic, you can see that penguins can swim and stay safely in water ^ ^

Thank you, that is a great suggestion! I have updated the game to spawn eggs further away from ice blocks. Glad you like it!

Maybe the clickable range is too narrow. Anyway, I will try to revise it. Thanks a lot for your feedback!

It's strange… Is it true that the dialogue screen and the top-left buttons respond properly to the mouse, but the circle does not move? If it is the case and you are interested, I can build a debug version for you to help me find the problem. I appreciate your attention no matter whether you are available to do this, thank you! I can also be reached in the raylib Discord server by the name Ayu.

Thank you! Surely planning on creating some.

(Also congratulations on achieving impressive public ratings!)

The player is supposed to drag the white ring with the mouse.

The tutorials are hastily made due to lack of time, and I admit that I'm especially dissatisfied with the introduction. In fact, I suppose you are not the only one confused by it. This certainly is a priority for post-jam updates, thank you for the feedback! If interested, you are welcome to revisit the game.

Nice levels, I enjoyed them a lot! But I agree that platformers easily become too hard for the general player (some Celeste/Limbo screens and I Wanna fangames are notoriously frustrating). Difficulty options or tweaks to help the delicate designs speak to a wider audience will be a fine embellishment!

Such a love letter. I delight in almost everything about this, it's a handicraft. Apart from Limbo art styles, I sense a lot of Celeste flavour in the levels. Is that correct?

The visuals and the sounds are exceptional! The design of enemies made the grazing gameplay effective and exciting. But I had exactly the same experience as Blatnik (found the game pretty hard, was softlocked in the boss battle) and did not manage to get to the end.

I'm sorry Planty (/- \)

The tutorial is very well presented and I love how plants speak. The twist in music when the game starts is perfect. An option to restart/skip tutorial would be nice; also, it's not clearly indicated where I'll be blocked, which makes the movement a bit hard to control.

I especially like how there are so many hidden secrets to explore. The ending scene tells me there are probably a whole lot I haven't discovered (curiosity led me to the source code, I'm astonished).

It didn't feel bad at all, the experience was exceptional! My succeeding attempt was indeed with the updated version and it was a breeze.

I surely enjoy exploring different genres, it's fun and refreshing! I also greatly appreciate your testing effort. (That level is hard but very interesting to know!)

For the luck aspect, I'm really nitpicking here as there is so much to like about the game. I guess a difficulty/accessibility setting as other participants have mentioned could ease it, because some levels are more of an action puzzle than a fast-paced shooter, and the core mechanic (efficiently defeating enemies within constraints of the terrain and the layout of objects) always stays fun no matter the timing windows or the game speed. Maybe an option to slow down the pace will encourage players to better revise and execute strategies instead of blindly wishing for luck. It's only my own idea and it may or may not be useful, but I write it out for reference. I find the game very enjoyable already!

I really appreciate the polish and the depth of content. I finished at 221 deaths (on a trackpad, I guess this makes the game harder) and had a lot of difficult but fun practice! I don't have much experience with shooters, but some levels clearly remind me of those grinding moments in platformers and rhythm games. I find such grinding very enjoyable in moderate amounts, which this game succeeded well in providing.

Sometimes I feel that I'm clearing a level by luck rather than practice or strategy, probably due to the fast pace and the tight timing window, which to me was a bit discouraging. I'm particularly curious about the intended solution of the level in the third screenshot (the one with three layers of glass).

It's amazing! I enjoyed the art, the soundscape and the story setting, and the ending audiovisuals were just epic! It's well worth my three falls into planets and one drift towards the outer space (technically a true statement, but just kidding).

For me though, I was not confident that I was doing the right thing halfway through gameplay. Probably it's just me; maybe it was the falling glitches that slightly hindered me, or maybe I myself just felt insecure in empty space. This is just FYI and I don't think it's a major setback, it's a delight to have the experience!

(1 edit)

Thank you! I'm very delighted to hear that you liked the game and the story.

It's quite meticulous of you to point out such details, kudos! I ran out of time to readjust the levels, my apologies ;-;

Happy lunar new year!

Thanks for your compliment! It's much delighting to know that you've enjoyed the game.

I find it really sad that I didn't manage the audio part ;-; I was set in the wrong mood for writing music for having less time than was available, but surely would like to finish that after voting ends.

Happy lunar new year!

That is quite clever and creative, I like it! I can imagine a very interesting game out there ^ ^

Thank you for your appreciation! Your game was very impressive as well, I'm in the way of farming materials!

Innovative controls and impressive pixel art! The tutorial is a very nice addition (and it would be even better if it's made clear that you can't duck while moving). The length is short but I certainly see potential for further expansion.

I don't quite understand how the theme is used though, is it related to the fire mechanic?

Thank you for your appreciation! Congrats on your game as well!

I like the idea and the interpretation of the theme (both 'physically close' and that relief when you nearly didn't manage to resolve a collision)! The art is adorable, and music's mood was great as well.

The controls are a bit glitchy for touchscreen as accidental multitouch causes planets to teleport, so I find the difficulty a bit high, especially for the speedy planets level. I'd also enjoy it more if I was not required to repeat every easier level in order to reach a later one, which would make practice much more effective. Still a cute little game overall!

Thank you, the feedback is highly valuable! I'm taking notes ^ ^

(If interested, the hints and solutions are published here.)

Okay, thanks! ^ ^

I will look into it, thank you!

On a side note, was the performance always poor or does it gradually drop?

Thank you! May I know what device and browser are you using?

The concept is refreshing and is well executed. I like how it carries a meaningful message in simplistic, familiar gameplay.

I'd be happy to see an indication of the fish count, or the cumulation rate of coins, which create the (meaningless but pleasing) satisfaction of these types of games  🤣

I like the novel interpretation and the polish. It's easy not to fail, but I actually consider it a plus, as it creates the freedom for different playstyles. Very enjoyable.

Thank you, it's valuable to know! I think I shall revise that part.

(1 edit)

Thank you!

How do you find the difficulty? Was the stop-and-smell hint helpful? I'm unsure how well it works for others.

Cats and jazz! It strikes right in my meow meow

Thank you, it’s delighting to hear that! (will keep figuring out more efficient workflows 😝)