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  • Amazing visuals! Fantasy pixel art! 
  • Perfect implementation of the magical realism theme!
  • The story was simply amazing: it started as an innocent fairy tale and then it took a really dark turn. I won't give spoilers for those who haven't played yet, but there are some amazing and creepy visuals and events (certain character's true form looks very Lovecraftian!)
  • Sounds and music were fantastic!
  • Really nice puzzles! The first one (the clock one) was my favorite.


  • I encountered a game breaking bug during my first playthrough. When my character was going east and listened to the song, the game froze and I had to reset. It only happened one time, but I thought it would be good to let you know.

Overall: amazing game, with fantastic pixel art, an amazing soundtrack, and a really dark but interesting story!

I'm sorry about your loss, I also lost my grandmother (as well as my grandfather) not so long ago, so I understand what you must be going through.

 I'm sure she would be proud of your work and being able to turn the story she told you into an amazing game!


Thank you so much for playing! And thanks for the kind words I really appreciate it :) as for the bug, it's weird because I haven't been able to replicate it, but when we were testing it also happened once, I thought it was because of bad internet connection that doesn't allow the song to load so it crashes the game, but I'll definitely look more into it, thank you!