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So, I liked where this was going, including the story and the aesthetic. I was looking forward to a big turn in the narrative (which, judging from the comments, there is) but I just couldn't get past the dark cave part. It could just be my poor skill, but it seemed like I just didn't have enough time to react given how small the field of vision is. If it was meant to be challenging, you succeeded!

Anyway, overall I think you did a good job, and maybe I'll try again sometime.


Thank you for playing! Just get gud lol. Jokes aside, I can see it being pretty challenging, but the AI is not as smart as you might think, and your character runs faster than the enemies, so there's always a chance to run even if they're just about to hit you.


lol I haven't been gud for many years my friend ;-) But seriously, I did like the game enough that I probably will come back to it after I get through some of the other jam submissions.


Just joking! Thank you, I hope next time you can do it. Another tip I can give you is to try to avoid enemies downwards, since the collision is bigger at the top :)