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The combat is interesting, but the skills take too much time and it leaves you without a combat option for a long time, and since there are no checkpoints, you have to go through that long text intro a lot. The art looks a bit over the place, since it's different art styles and resolutions. I think with more time, this has the potential of being a very interesting and fun game, hope you keep working on it after the jam. Congratulations :)


Thanks for playing! Yesterday it occurred to me why people think the card draw is slow. We start you out with Punch and Kick abilities but we do not explain them at all. Or how to swap abilities (You talk to Lee). The Kick ability does a good deal of damage for an early ability but it makes you skip your next card draw. So if you use 3 kicks in a row, you skip your next three card draws. It is intended to be a bad ability that the player will swap out as soon as possible, but we don't make this clear enough.

Ohhh, that makes sense and sounds pretty interesting! It'd be a good idea to explain it in game :)