what about custom button for main menu? v104 manual says
bind [button] [scriptname] - Binds a script to a button to execute when the button is clicked. scriptname - the name of the file with the script (without extension) that will be executed when the button is clicked. The file must be in the Data/Scripts folder. The script will be executed only while the player has the ability to move. This command should only be used in the Data/Scripts/Menu.script file (see Customizing Menu Items).
so i declare
bind viewcredits viewcredits
in menu.script at beginning
mbutton "VIEW CREDITS" 50 610 "viewcredits" -1
under //MAIN
it makes button but nothing happns when click, i assume because manual says script only execute when player can move. so is there any ways to try and do what i am trying to do?
game is for a game jam that requires ability to view credits for assets from main menu of game.
i can make first map show credits in script for first map, and just put on main menu title screen to press NEW GAME to view credits, i am sure that will satisfy requirements for jam. i know v104 manual says no new buttons for main menu but that seems at odds with having a script to bind button for main menu. am i misunderstanding something?